Bug occurs since: 7/15/20, around Wednesday afternoon. The game is a stable version from 7/4/20.
I determined when the game broke down using the statistics below:
Signifying Game Stats
The amount of visits is maintained. Since my June 23 update, 10 minutes playtime has been the norm. Due to recent crash and disconnect, it is now pulled down to 5 minutes.
Developer Stats:
Using “Blade” there’s a clear decline in concurrents:
As more accurately expressed by “RoMonitor” estimated playtime than DevStats:
Release Notes 439 and 440 coincided the bug:
Server crashes on occasion; playing longer increases the chance of witnessing crash. The problem is expressed on the client in two forms:
Ping stays falsely low. Just a sudden freeze of other characters indicate the lost connection, the meter is of no use:
Frame over frame performance is fine, there is no frame lag:
The ship sinks locally, and characters are positioned relative to the local model. Those relative positions need to replicate, and not doings so we see characters walk in place:
The alienated client can still walk around. Sometimes for minutes. Before finally it registers that they have disconnected entirely:
This coincides the entire server dying.
Players crash:
Players now frequently have a full on crash as well. I crashed myself, and checked with a playtester at the time that it was only me. The server was still open and I was able to rejoin in this case:
For Engineers: