Shorthand Properties Panel Input

LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOO FINALLY! I do not have to type 0.5,0,0.5,0 all the time now! good ob roblox!


That is a very nice feature!
One thing that possibly could be done, is if filling in a color3 value and you just input a number, say “133” that it would fill that in as “133,133,133”
i think that would be very useful to me as i use grayscale colors a lot


Finally, this is great. A nice way to input math.huge , NaN (0/0) would be a cool addition.

As an aside – Studio would be great / nice to work with / cause less pain if you were the guy who decided things up top. Your level of understanding on what is needed (and honestly what we like) is spot-on. Lots of people (I’m sure they try their best) seem to overlook things like this. Also like your explanations. Makes me feel less stupid. @tnavarts


I can finally input short form hex codes! The day has come.

Thabks for fixing these micro-annoyances :slight_smile:


Quite hypocritical if I allow myself to say so.

There’s been a feature request asking for extended light ranges which was made 7 years ago and still isn’t implemented with no updates in sight, except an employee saying “they are looking into it” 8 months ago, however we all know what that means.

The post has almost 23k views at the date of writing this, so there is no way a single engineer hasn’t seen this.

If you guys encourage us to make feature requests, then for crying out loud actually look at them and act upon them, especially if the community supports and embraces the request.

The request in question:
Increase Range Limit of Lights - Feature Requests / Engine Features - Developer Forum | Roblox

If you flag this/take this down for being off-topic, then I don’t know what to tell you, I am simply replying to what an employee stated in this post, nothing off-topic.


The thread in question has certainly not gone unnoticed.

Here’s the staff reply for reference:

There will always be unfortunate outliers where it’s very hard to get developers what they want even where there’s a lot of demand. Most will eventually come through though even if it takes some time.

A relatively recent example is the granular Streaming controls, which were a very long term ask since the introduction of streaming, and things eventually came together for them to get released.


this is gonna save me so much sanity, THANKYOU :sob:


I mentioned it, however It seems like it indeed IS unnoticed though, and that’s not good.


As a non-regular, how would I do so? What would I have to do in order to send a feature request as member?

In regards, its nice that QoL features are being added. However everytime i attempt to parse a hex value (such as #ff0000 or 00ff00, it parses successfully but throws an error into console
as for without #, it’s a bit different


UDim2 0.5 :heart_eyes:

These minor changes will make life so much easier


You can send feature requests to @Bug-Support, iirc they do now accept feature requests and change the category for you.

This QoL is meant for manual input: the Properties window. It’s not part of the interpreter. When using colors in scripts, you should use Color3.fromHex.


workspace.Baseplate.Color = Color3.fromHex("#ff0000")
workspace.Baseplate.Color = Color3.fromHex("ff0000")

The # is automatically ignored.


I am about the shorthand inputs.
this malformed number error appears because of me including digits within base 11-16

as for with #, it appears that it interprets it as “oh i gotta measure length of nil” and throws an error of apparently trying to get the length of nil value


Siiick!! Finally a update where I wont type the whole UDim2 values!


Quality of life change and a very welcome one, too.
Thank you for your commitment.


There is a project for it, engine code is being written, there’s even a hidden toggle in Roblox Studio for internal testing (there are still issues to solve with it).
I understand the frustration around this feature, but like that response said, work is being done.


Really looking forward to putting arithmetics for convenience! For example, 20+150170 instead of having to calculate manually. After Effects has this feature and I find this useful and increase productivity.


As a suggestion for the Properties panel that I overlooked to mention; it’s still impossible to copy-paste RGB values to and from ColorSequence properties.


This might be a little too off-topic (since this post is meant for the properties tab) or a duplicate but I’d love to see the ability to use operators on values like this:

A feature like Blender has, where you could write 0.125 * 2 and the number changes to 0.25


I think the vague wording makes it seen as if the project isn’t being focused on; the staff did mention it’s being worked on, but following up with ‘it’s on our radar’ implies it’s only being investigated as a potential idea for the far future, rather than something that’s being actively written as you have mentioned.


Will we get these abilities within the compiler itself? I find it annoying having to type in UDim2’s, Vectors and Colors and being able to just put a single input in would make it easier.

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