Show off your UI designs

Decided to play with material assets.

Style: Material, Modern
Program used: Roblox Studio
Inspiration: Material Design


Actually that is the version that is implemented into roblox :upside_down_face: I could give you it, if you want?

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Differents screens of my Beta game.

I have to use a fixed screenshot because the menu is based on viewport and cant use a live animation.

Customization menu.

BattlePass and rewards page.

Style: Modern (In change)
Program used: Roblox Studio
Inspiration: Fortnite/Rudevs BR

This is pre Update, I await your comments and recommendations. The background is just for the Halloween event.


Maybe you can add a cylindrical platform below the character on the shop and the character menu.


Yes, in the next update i change the background of the buttons, for ones with colors according to rarity, and a blur to separate the character from the background.
I have serious problems with the handling of the models, since the source code(RudevsOS) has a fixed camera with an annoying angle, which is replicated to each screen and I still could not modify it correctly without breaking something else.
Thanks for the advice.


How did you add the character in there?

What is kaspersky? Who are they?

Kaspersky is a virus protection program. He was saying that the UI looks like Kaspersky’s UI.

I used an external program to design this UI. I got the character from this DevForum topic:

The credit goes to @Flamindy for the render.

I did a few minor effect changes to that render.

I just copied the render and pasted it onto my artboard on the external program.

If you wanted to add it onto Roblox UI, you would have to create an image label and have a render/character saved to your files and then import it by using an image label and the “Image” property.

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Hello talented dude. Do you have Discord?


Style: idk
Program Used: Figma

Just a randomly made ui for my game.

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Can you tell me how you made that Shadow-Like Effect to the GUIs, it’s really cool!

I know you posted this ages ago but how did you do the background?


I just used ParticleEmitters and put a background behind it


Hmm personally Im a modeler but a few days back, I thought of trying out UI designing just for fun :stuck_out_tongue: Heres the ui I made:

Heres the post I made for people to suggest:
My Original Post
(didnt really open up this UI again to follow the suggestions coz I didnt feel like giving it much time :sweat_smile:)

my font viewer plugin ui
UI Style : Material
Programs Used : Rojo,VSC,RobloxStudio,XD

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This public? Would be very useful imo.

yes, you can get this plugin from here

my custom rojo plugin ui
UI style : Material
Programs Used : Roblox Studio, XD