i’ve tryed using animation scaling.
i keyframed save scale them scaled to increase and decrease in loop but the model just keeped moving and no scale happened.
any plan for that? or is that what you marked @AllYourBlox for comment?
Im a Bit Confused how to enable this
That method doesn’t seem to work. I’ve tried changing the Apply Scalings option and Apply transform option, but it still stayed at that weird size.
Could it be I’m using the latest commit for 2.79 and not 2.8x?
I had this problem too, imported the scaled rig/model and it was at the adjusted scale but when I import animations from FBX they don’t seem to be affected by the scale at which I export them from blender.
Exactly what happened to me! I can’t apply the armature’s scale, or else the animation breaks.
I have finally found out how to fix this!
I found something that really helps off of Reddit. Here’s the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/blender/comments/eu3w6m/guide_how_to_scale_a_rigify_rig/
- Open the Python console, and type
- Type in the console
rescale_actions = ['ACTION_NAME']
- Paste this script into the console (NOT THE TEXT EDITOR), and press enter twice:
for action_id in rescale_actions:
for fcurve in bpy.data.actions[action_id].fcurves:
data_path = fcurve.data_path
if data_path.startswith('pose.bones[') and data_path.endswith('].location'):
for p in fcurve.keyframe_points:
p.co[1] *= rescale
You may then scale your armature to the size you used for rescale
, and apply the scale. Hope this helps! Sure saved me a bunch of potential waiting.
I’m trying to make a spider enemy but I’m coming across some problems. When an animation plays on the spider, its root bone does not move at all. See this:
Here is the structure of the spider’s model:
This problem is caused by the MeshPart being connected to the HumanoidRootPart (shown in red) as a child joint. I’ve structured it this way because I want the MeshPart to not collide and instead let the HumanoidRootPart be the model’s collision box. I’ve tried for hours to figure out how to structure the spider differently while still allowing it to step over small obstacles. For instance, I tried out swapping it so that the collision box was instead jointed as the child of the MeshPart. But when I did this, I could not figure out how to make the spider stand at the correct height at all times (no matter how I edited the Humanoid.HipHeight, it would sometimes be stuck on the ground, or float too high above the ground) By the way, the only reason I have placed a bone within the HumanoidRootPart is since the game will crash unless I do so (as noted in the original post of this thread).
Here’s a showcase of the spider animation when I was testing just getting the MeshPart to animate (the MeshPart was the only part in the spider’s model at that time). See how the spider’s body bobs up and down instead of staying completely stationary?
Is the HumanoidRootPart anchored?
Nope, its unanchored. Believe me, I checked over and over lol
Haha one time I was confused because a custom character I had made wasn’t moving and after around half an hour I figured out that the humanoidRootPart was anchored . If it is unanchored then I’m not sure how to fix it sorry.
it seens to have a problem when exporting the animation.
i use blender, i imported my model with my rig everything is normal.
but when i load the animation that i also made in blender the character get 50% inside the ground and also get a little fat as if it scaled every bone in 2x.
i woud record it but i override the animation with one made using roblox animation plugin.
but as soon i finish the full rig and import it, if the same problem happen again i will record it.
Have you tried this?
When I imported my custom avatar everything gets skinned except for the head and I got no errors of missing textures, any ideas?
Do we need to have the same rig structure to be able to make the rig work as a StarterCharacter? Or would it still work with custom rigging but I need to make all the movement, jump, etc. animations myself?
Will the Humanoid work for a rig like this?
If not, is there a new instance that will?
The future of this platform just keeps looking brighter and brighter! Now is a better time than ever to work on your development careers.
It appears when you try to use meshes uploaded with skinned meshes beta in ViewportFrames, those meshes don’t render (was using Avatar Importer in my scenario.) Older meshes are still rendered.
Is there any ETA when this will be supported? I’d like to use mesh deformation to animate UI interactions.
The HumanoidRootPart nevers moves up and down, exept when changing the floor hight, so to fix that you need to change the Humanoid > Hiphight, as you please
more correctlly, the humanoidrootpart position stands at the position on top of the floor + the hiphight, that making the incorrect hiphight make the spider fly in mid air
The error says what you did wrong: you forgot to change ACTION_NAME to the name of your action. You have to replace that with the name of your action seen in the Action Editor.