Small coffee table model

This is a metallic coffee table.

Please give me some feedback. It uses SurfaceAppearance as well as standard Roblox metal material, as well as ENVMAPS.

Portfolio: THULiCORE's portfolio


This is a very nice coffee table! I like how you added all of the tiny details in the metal. The reflections look great with the new environment maps. However, there are a few things that you could change. Firstly, you should work on the larger details such as the overall shape of the table, as the design looks simple by itself and somewhat uninteresting. Perhaps looking at references should give you a good idea of what details you can add. In addition, the table is far too tall in comparison to the couch. A normal coffee table should be at around the height of a person’s knees. The top should be at around the height of the bottom cushion of the couch. Otherwise, it looks great and really fits in with the surroundings! Good job!