New Smart Bone primitive for open source contribution!
All setup and ready to go! You can configure the settings and use it for different things from a flag to a curtain!
Commenting out the asserts actually and data Logging used for debugging can increase your performance significantly.
I think it’s an issue with the bone actors code not properly disconnecting.
I made the modification to the runtime with this code to effectively handle when the object is not rendered locally.
shared.FrameCounter += 1
if shared.FrameCounter > FrameCounterOverflow then
shared.FrameCounter = 0
if (BonePhysics.ShouldDestroy or ForceDestroy) or RootObject.Parent==nil then
Actually, the patch I mentioned earlier just causes the rig to yeet itself to nan coordinates.
This is what I propose to fix the bug.
local * Rotation
if ParentBone.ActiveWeld and ParentBone.RigidWeld then
ParentBone.CalculatedWorldCFrame = ParentBone.WeldCFrame
--elseif ShouldAverage then
-- ParentBone.RotationSum +=
elseif not IsNaN(solution) then
--ParentBone.CalculatedWorldCFrame = BoneParent.WorldCFrame:Lerp( * Rotation, alpha)
ParentBone.CalculatedWorldCFrame = solution
The above solution does not solve the problem.
I actually did just fix it through trial and error, The root cause of the problem is the Velocity becoming infinite.
My fix is constraining the Velocity of the bone through the StepPhysics function.
local VelocityConstraint=100
function Class:StepPhysics(BoneTree, Force: Vector3, Delta: number) -- Parallel safe
do end
if self.Anchored then
self.LastPosition = self.AnimatedWorldCFrame.Position
self.Position = self.AnimatedWorldCFrame.Position
do end
-- Custom forces per bone
if self.Force or self.Gravity then
do end
Force = (self.Gravity or BoneTree.Settings.Gravity)
Force = (Force + (self.Force or BoneTree.Settings.Force)) * Delta
do end
do end
local Settings = BoneTree.Settings
local Velocity = (self.Position - self.LastPosition)
local Move = (BoneTree.ObjectAcceleration * Settings.Inertia)
local WindMove = SolveWind(self, BoneTree, Velocity)
local sum=Velocity * (1 - Settings.Damping) + Force + Move + WindMove
local function constrainsum(v)
local c=v
if v.X>VelocityConstraint then,v.Y,v.Z)
elseif v.X<-VelocityConstraint then,v.Y,v.Z)
if c.Y>VelocityConstraint then,VelocityConstraint,c.Z)
elseif c.Y<-VelocityConstraint then,-VelocityConstraint,v.Z)
if c.Z>VelocityConstraint then,c.Y,VelocityConstraint)
elseif c.Z<-VelocityConstraint then,c.Y,-VelocityConstraint)
return c
self.LastPosition = self.Position
self.Position += constrainsum(sum)
do end do end
With this when the bone reaches critical velocity it instead is clamped to normalized values. Which in my use case of sky diving forever which caused easy replication of the bug caused me to debug and solve the issue through my experience reading this code.
This ‘Class:StepPhysics’ function is located inside the Bone module.
So to perform the patch you would comment out the line that prints() 5000 times and apply the Velocity Constraint on the Physics step.
If the above patch does not work alone I have additionally done this change.
function Class:ApplyTransform(BoneTree)
do end
self.SolvedAnimatedCFrame = false
if self.ParentIndex < 1 then
do end
local ParentBone: IBone = BoneTree.Bones[self.ParentIndex]
local BoneParent = ParentBone.Bone
-- We check if the magnitude of rotation sum is zero because that tells us if it has already been averaged by another bone.
-- if ParentBone.NumberOfChildren > 1 and ParentBone.RotationSum.Magnitude ~= 0 then
-- local AverageRotation = ParentBone.RotationSum / ParentBone.NumberOfChildren
-- ParentBone.CalculatedWorldCFrame =
-- * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(AverageRotation.X, AverageRotation.Y, AverageRotation.Z)
-- ParentBone.RotationSum =
-- end
if ParentBone and BoneParent then
if ParentBone.Anchored and BoneTree.Settings.AnchorsRotate == false then -- Anchored and anchors do not rotate
BoneParent.WorldCFrame = ParentBone.TransformOffset
--elseif ParentBone.Anchored then -- Anchored and anchors rotate
-- BoneParent.WorldCFrame = * ParentBone.CalculatedWorldCFrame.Rotation
elseif not IsNaN(ParentBone.CalculatedWorldCFrame) then -- Not anchored
BoneParent.WorldCFrame = ParentBone.CalculatedWorldCFrame
-- BoneParent.CFrame=ParentBone.OriginCFrame
do end
This checks if the Bone has a NaN and corrects its. Without the physics patch this causes the bones to remain stationary but continues to have the module propose a nan solution.
Together they should definitely work. I have not been able to break it since applying this fix.
That is given you have this part commented out.
The bug still happens, but instead of the full outfit disappearing it just stops moving, originally when this warn showed up the clothing disappeared. This only happens when I use teleporting stuff.
the apply Class:ApplyTransform(BoneTree) fix results in the smartbone object to appear still when the proposed position is NaN. The VelocityConstraint=100
function Class:StepPhysics section clamps the velocity to not exceed a certain value. Which keeps it from being NaN even when you teleport. As I am doing. I am currently not experiencing any bugs. But will take a look if I can replicate your issue.
In the end you may want to change the VelocityConstraint or scale it by the * (Settings.Damping) to effectively handle the variable Velocity Limits if there are any.
I’m using 4.0 and the simulation is jittery when the player is walking, is this a bug or did I do something wrong? I also for some reason can’t get 3.0 to work.
There are a lot of Attributes you may wants to look at such as Dampening, Elasticity, Stiffness. High Elasticity may cause the object to be overly jittery