As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to use scrolling frames within the Studio widgets. The current scrolling method, which has no animation, can be jarring and can cause users to lose their place. The widgets that are built with Roblox GUI, such as Toolbox and Terrain Editor, have smooth scrolling because ScrollingFrames have that feature built-in. Widgets that are not built with Roblox GUI can be difficult to use because of their lack of smooth scrolling.
Left: current behavior, Right: desired behavior
Some of the widgets that don’t currently have smooth scrolling: the script editor, Explorer, Properties, Output, Object Browser, Studio Settings, Beta Features, Shortcuts, and the object inserter. The beta features tab is the worst of these, as the lines it snaps to are much larger. The others are not as bad, due to their smaller line sizes.
For those that prefer the current scrolling style (See: Insert Object Window Scrolling Needs to be Instantaneous) , a new setting could be added to Studio Settings to disable smooth scrolling.
If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because Studio widgets would be easier to use, and widgets that are built with Roblox GUI and those that are not would have more consistent functionality.
A related feature request for smooth scrolling in the Beta Features tab:
Allow smoother scrolling on Beta Features tab