So what happened to post approval?

I just realized that Post Approval was changed to just “editor”. “Community Post Approval” was changed to “Community Editor”, the trust level was changed to Editor too.

The group’s description no longer mentions post approval:

The people in this group help out occasionally in the community by moving topics of others to more appropriate categories, or fixing mistakes in titles of topics to make them more clear.

But the post approval group still exists?

What is going to happen?


Maybe they are changing their roles to not only approve posts but also edit topics. Like maybe in the title it says “[BUG] Insert Bug here” they edit it to just “Insert Bug here” because it’s not useful. Honestly I don’t know what’s going to happen.

Post approval members already had this permission though

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Well, I remember some forum staff telling that Post Approval is not going to exist anymore, and that users would post someday in any category, whenever they want (which is TERRIBLE). It looks like this is now brought to true. They’ll now just be mods.

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That’s very dangerous for the forums. Anything could happen if anyone could post anywhere.


It might possibly be a secondary group as I and many others have suggested previously.

With people (predominantly members) growing restless about the lack of correction on the forum its very much likely this group has been created to combat it. People who are just there to make corrections and fix things which clog up moderation.

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But that doesn’t explain why the Post Approval group icon is now missing and has been switched over to Community Editor?

So, from the patterns I’ve seen in the past regarding such changes, it’s usually to keep the names concise. “Community Post Approval” way a little long, so I think that’s why it’s now “Community Editor”. The fact that the old group still exists is probably because they selected a section of PA to be in editor. Look at the list of people, it’s not the same.

Also, note a key difference between the two:


This group consists of people who review post approval requests made by forum members.
If you are a Member, then when you create a topic in certain categories, it will be automatically redirected to this group for approval.


The people in this group help out occasionally in the community by moving topics of others to more appropriate categories, or fixing mistakes in titles of topics to make them more clear.
People in this group can only move topics and edit titles, they do not have any other elevated forum permissions.

So, maybe PA envelops editor, or they may just be two separate groups, but they are different.

Despite this, I’m still confused as to why both groups have the same badge. But, I can formulate that it’s not like PA has been “deprecated” since they have very different purposes.

Not only might they have done this to keep it concise, but probably to split their work of “editing” and “approving” posts. If so, that is a clever change that I support.


They might be making a new icon for it, who knows. It doesn’t mean its being removed per say, just might be a shift in powers.

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I think they just did.

That is the post approval icon, all they did was change the name of the group and trust level

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Ah, I see. I haven’t looked at groups so I’m mistaken, sorry!

We killed BuildThomas and seceded from Post Approval. Our new base is in Ohio.

But actually though, a couple former members of Post Approval still had their trust level so that we could move posts around, but no title to show we had those powers. We now have a title.

That’s uh, that’s it. That’s the only change.


May buildthomas rest in peace then.


Post approval but without the approving posts part.


So does this mean there won’t be any new post approval members or how does that work now?

A community editor can’t be a post approval now or do they still have that opportunity?

Post-approval-by-the-community is being phased out because developers should focus on developing, not on spending hours upon hours wittling away at what is effectively a support queue.

I couldn’t really tell you what is going to replace it since I only really care about getting rid of Post Approval. Ask DevRel for any future plans they have for handling trust levels and feature requests / bug reports. Community Editor is post approval without the inbox handling parts (only the fun/interesting parts).


So does that mean Members will be able to post in any category without previous approval?
Let’s be honest, I don’t like this idea. The whole purpose of PA was to review posts before letting them be live on the site, to tell people what is potentially wrong with their post and what could get them in trouble, and tell them to remove it.
Letting people post in Platform Feedback or the restricted categories without prior approval will only increase the workload on the DET when people flag the posts.

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I didn’t say that, I only said community would stop doing it.

Whether DevRel wants to have DET do it, hire new people to do it, or replace the flow entirely with something else, that’s up to them. I’m not at all saying they should open everything up.

It’s not our responsibility to find an alternative and this has been enough volunteering. DevRel will find a solution for it.


So staff will esentially take the role of PA?
And unlike a community-driven PA, it’s 100 times harder to get more people to work on it, as a job at Roblox has very high requirements and there are huge expenses associated with it.
With a community PA, people that WANT TO and show interest in approving posts will get to help, not just the people who are truly devoted to Roblox in the way that they want to move to America and live there for years, working at Roblox.