How to level up on the Roblox Developer Forum

On the Roblox Developer Forum, we have several trust levels that users can obtain as they browse and participate on the forum. For example, your forum level determines where you can post new topics, and what you can reply to.

This topic explains what Developer Forum trust levels exists and how you can unlock more posting permissions over time.

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What trust levels does the forum have?


You get this level when you first log in on the Developer Forum through your Roblox account.

As a Visitor, you are able to view almost all categories of the forum, including announcements, development support topics, all sorts of resources and tutorials, as well as bug reports and feature requests that have been submitted by forum members.

You are not yet able to post, but you can browse posts and topics. We also keep track of which posts you have visited and read, and you can bookmark topics and posts that you find interesting.

To level up to Member, you need to read enough posts over a period of time. After enough browsing, you will be automatically moved up to the Member level.


As a Member, you now get to view and post in almost all forum categories. Note that some posts and topics you make will need to pass through approval before they show up to others.

Level up to Regular is currently available by invitation only.


As a Regular, you can now create posts and replies in all categories. Please ensure your posts follow the forum rules and guidelines.


The Leader level is restricted to Roblox staff members.

Leaders cannot see nor handle community flags on posts. Only the @ DevEngagementTeam can handle community flags.


How do I see my own or someone else’s level?

Trust Level

You can find your own level on your profile as “Trust Level” (click “Expand” first to reveal):

Similarly, you can see the trust level of others by going to their profile.

Staff Flair

Some users have an icon next to their avatar to indicate that they are Roblox staff members:

Roblox Staff


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who can view / create posts on the forum?

Visitors can view most categories. Members and higher can additionally view Forum Feedback, and can also post replies and topics in most places. You can review the “About” post in each category to see who has which permissions exactly for that category.

Can I be leveled down?

You can be removed from the forum if you break our community rules and guidelines, or otherwise at the discretion of the Developer Relations team. If you keep in line with our rules and guidelines, you will not lose the Member or Regular levels once you have attained them.

For more information on the so-called “three strike system” of forum moderation, see:

I see people with a “Programmer” or “Builder” title, how do I get those?

You can join one of the groups here, and then the corresponding title will show next to your name:

This is to show off that you have experience in a particular field of development.

I have an idea or an issue related to the forum that I want to share!

You can post them in the #forum-feedback category. We regularly check this category for new feature requests and issues. All of your issues and feature requests are heard!

For feature requests and bug reports about the Roblox platform, please use the #platform-feedback category.