Sober - x86-64 Roblox build without Hyperion, run Roblox on Linux natively with up to twice the performance of native Windows!

Yes, it does. I have personally contacted the creators of Sober, and confirmed that the ppc64el architecture is supported. :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:


The people in charge of Sober will likely know the moment it happens.

And then they’ll decide what to do from there.

Hyperion completely changed the way that Rōblox loads on Windows. Especially with the fact that we knew about Hyperion’s introduction there some weeks prior. And RobloxPlayerBeta.dll! I think that they’ll will do something similar with Android.


It just seems somewhat irresponsible to me to release an application that is very likely going to get people’s accounts banned. Especially with no disclaimer in sight to use an alternate account. The project being closed-source makes it especially concerning.


It won’t get you banned, the team behind Hyperion would not do bans based on something that they can prevent easily, no Linux users were banned when the Wine block got reintroduced.

It’s closed-source because they do not wish for anyone to abuse it for means of exploiting, which would get the project blocked pretty fast.
I’m not sure if it’s true currently so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I’ve heard from some people that Sober has some sort of internal anti-tamper built-in to make sure that type of abuse cannot take place.


I see where you’re coming from, but this is placing a lot of hope on the Hyperion team and the developers of this program not accidentally triggering something they shouldn’t. I think there should at least be a disclaimer that this is playing with fire and that you are potentially putting your accounts at risk.

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CC @WaviestBalloon


this is cool and all but like why do we need to see the dogs


What’s that FFlag? The old one stopped working and only goes as high up as 240. Is there a new FFlag that handles FPS caps that i am unaware of?

ik this is kinda offtopic but:
why the photo with the dogs :sob: why was this added


The OP does this for every post they make


>see the feet pic
>uses windows instead of linux

cringe fake linux fan


No programming socks at all, geninuely shameful


No arm64 support :sob:


Cant we just use DARling? It takes less resources cuz macOS is also based on unix right?

closed source, so its probably a virus

  1. The only reason I haven’t made the jump to Linux is because of Roblox (I copied this from someone here real). I really don’t want to go back to Windows.

Are you confident this will keep running for a while? And does it just work with Roblox, or does it support Roblox Studio as well?

If it does and it’s going to be stable for a long time, I’m ready to switch to Linux right now!

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they literally said its experimental

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nice virus, all the strings are xor’d, i wonder why lmao. This guy is stupid, bitdancer can reverse his packed shit in under a few mins.


the same i didnot like every windows version after win7 and i still have no idea why roblox doesnot have native support to linux i mean they want roblox to be low end compatible right? if so low end devices will run worse on windows than linux (linux being a low end compatible os that doesnot have bloat)

the only reason that i can think of that make roblox not support linux is that it doesnot have big user base like windows/mac/android