Sober - x86-64 Roblox build without Hyperion, run Roblox on Linux natively with up to twice the performance of native Windows!

No one is forcing you to use edge, you can disable copilot, a lot of linux distros do it too + its not that big of a deal , you can uninstall onedrive, fair point , to see the news? , is third party software a bad thing?, theres no ads start menu

i got alot of adds in the start menu first time i installed it aka what#app fa#eB#ok t#kt#k etc about edge you canot uninstall it u can not use it but canot uninstall it and if u managed to uninstall it it will install itself again its my device i can do whatever i want a silly os shouldnot restrict me

and the 3rd party is integrated to windows taskbar itself in the left of the taskbar and its full useless things

and it took me long time to free most of the os from the bloat

windows is a paid os

this hits the nail on the head – the general expectation had with windows is system that is ready for productivity purposes and respects their configuration they’ve set… NOT a system that unnecessary bundles stuff that no one uses (copilot, and, the latest recall feature are complete gimmicks)

when you’re paying this much of a premium for an operating system that completely is backwards of previous iterations, there’s something wrong:


i’d honestly would switch to apple, at least they understand how to make a reliable operating system


just don’t use it? what would be the difference other than a few MB of storage? i haven’t opened edge in years

you can disable all of those

you have some valid points against Windows, but some of your points are just… what…?

i mean its my device i can do whatever i want + windows isnot a free os these things shouldnot exist by defualt

they shouldnot be enabled by defualt

that is what i think you may thing its fine and others may thing its fine but that is my opinion not everyone like the same thing nor everyone hate the same thing and every one have different opinion

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I have a list of reasons that I’d like to add from my post from a different thread:

1 Like is your friend
and to switch to “apple” you would have to buy a mac, which is def more then a windows license


This is great for my friends that don’t have good enough computers to run roblox! (ie. chromebooks), Without hyperion, this allows me to run it inside a linux VM and have them remote in with something like parsec or steam link! Thank you so much! (The main feature that excites me is that even though the files are from a mobile app, it can still play PC only games!)

why would youpost that picture


I used the Home Screen Copilot for convenience a couple times.

the average customer whos buying windows doesn’t know what “” is, the only people who knows about that is nerds like you & me

the point that i was making that the average customer is paying a premium for a product that doesn’t respect the fact that they do, instead they get a hilarious joke of an operating system

and to switch to “apple” you would have to buy a mac, which is def more then a windows license

but they provide value, what i’ve experienced with apple products is the consistency they have with releasing software that works and tailored towards people who uses their computers for productivity

i haven’t seen apple pushing ads or incorporating dark patterns into their operating system? have i seen that with windows? you probably can guess the answer

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if you think apple has your best interests at heart you need to take a good look at them

they have their controversies, but if their devices are the best option (for me at least) i’d probably would buy it, all i want is just a painless computing experience and apple has done it best

i have a mac and they are pretty good so if you wana use it go ahead, mac is the only os i would say is a good replacement for windows

closed source :-1:

fake linux cultist

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its a virus as well so dont use it

is this really needed



Do you have any proof? You’ve been mindlessly saying this without any proof the entire thread. Vinegar is msotly trustworthy but idk why they had to close source this one, maybe just to ensure it doesn’t get blocked?

thanks for continuing roblox support on linux even if it was hard to do

thanks for the feet pic too

I don’t think you should be recommending a windows pirating site.