In the last 20 minutes I’ve received 300-400 of these, and I’ve never seen them before. The last time I updated my game was ~1 day ago, so it can’t be something that I just updated. The error in question is the one in the title of this post. Here are the following API commands that I’m using, that all cause this error:
MarketplaceService:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(ServerOwner.Value.UserId, Gamepass.Value)
– ServerOwner cannot be nil, as my error tracker that logs errors uses LogService.MessageOut, and all messages have ServerOwner.Value.UserId and ServerOwner.Value.Name attached to it, so that can’t be nil. Gamepass.Value isn’t nil either, I manually checked that
BadgeService:UserHasBadgeAsync(ServerOwner.Value.UserId, Purchase:FindFirstChild(‘BadgeId’).Value)
– Once again, the only thing that could be nil is Purchase.BadgeId.Value, but that should’ve caused an error a long time ago.
Noticed other games are reporting this, is it a roblox critical?! Seems to be an issue with MarketplaceService
It is an odd thing, my games are having some of the same type of errors and like you I haven’t updated in over a day, it may currently just be an issue on ROBLOX’s side, I’d suggest alerting your players as that way they don’t spam you or the Report System, it’s quite an odd issue because I’ve actually never seen it on ROBLOX so far.
Something went wrong in my game Zombie Hunting Simulator too, I would say that the MarketplaceService is having issues at the moment. I don’t know if there may be more services giving trouble at the moment too.