SPlugin - Making plugin design simple

Seems cool but it got deleted.

Hey guys - I’ll be making a new plugin since it looks like it has been moderated! Sorry for the inconvenience, just regular roblox moderation!

New plugin has been made! I’ll update the post body to contain the new link.
You can get it here.

Say hello to v0.8.2b!


  • UI Redesign
  • SPlugin should feel much more lively, with much more tweening
  • New Presets Tab
  • Widget and Modules Folder options have been moved to the presets tab!
  • Default Decal ID Support! - How default decal ID works is pretty easy to understand, the script will check to see if the entered decal id is nil, if so, check if they have
    a default decal id entered, if so, it will use the decal id, if not, it will be blank.
  • Readded tonumber()
See here!

Please tell me if you encounter any unexpected behavior!


This plugin is amazing, something that’s kind of bothering me is the logo. It needs a bit more detail but its not a big thing! Good job.

Thanks :slight_smile:

sadly, I'm unsure what else to replace it with (I just found it on an icons list) but as you stated, it isn't a big issue.

Minor Update


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Say hello to v0.8.5b!


  • Added a version system where it’ll tell you in the presets tab to update, should be non-invasive.
  • Small changes
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Say hello to v0.8.6b!


  • Fixed a visual issue where the Presets tab would appear in front of the Home tab when first switched.
  • After the overhaul of the Developer Hub (now known as the Creator Hub) documentation, the wiki page link has been broken. It is now fixed!

(I know it’s been a year and a half since I last updated… Talk about procrastination)

Expect more updates soon!

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Say hello to v0.9.0b!


  • Proper implementation of ChangeHistoryService.
  • Completely removed the unneeded Default Decal ID setting.
  • Large UI overhaul. Also removed the yes/no switchers in favour of much simpler tickboxes.
  • The plugin will feel much more lively (again) with the unhealthy amount of tweening.

This is probably the largest or second largest update SPlugin has gotten to date. Compared to the first images of it actually working, they look like entirely different plugins.

See for yourself here!

Please tell me if you encounter any bugs with the latest version, or have any suggestions for future versions of SPlugin!

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The output is constantly spammed with false from line 52 of SelectionHandler when not selecting anything.

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Say hello to v0.9.1b!


  • Fixed the issue mentioned in this post, whoops!
  • New system detects whether there is more whitespace than actual characters in an entry, and if so, will be set to defaults.
  • New defaults (plugins with no decal id will not have an asset id to prevent errors).

Please tell me if you encounter any bugs with the latest version, or have any suggestions for future versions of SPlugin!

This version was mainly a quick fix and a small update bundled together.

this happens whenever i try to click “Create”

Alright! Will try and see what it is right now.

Ok, also love the UI of the plugin.

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v0.9.1b Fix

Small fix that is supposed to address this issue. Update to get the fix.
Unsure if this will work, but please tell me if the issue still occurs.

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error has stopped showing, also does it say in the op that you have to select a parent in the explorer to insert the plugin? im sorry if its there and i dont see it.

It will use the selected parent, yes. It used to default to a certain place (ServerScriptService) , but I changed that in 0.9.0b. I may revert it, but probably add an indicator as to where it will parent to.

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Yeah, that would be better as i was confused as to why it wasn’t creating the plugin, but its overall a great time saver.

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Say hello to v0.9.2b!


  • New, dual plugin feature allows multiple plugins to be made per toolbar.
  • New menu displaying where the Plugin/s will be parented to prevent situations like this.
  • Plugin presets page now displays which plugin you are editing (useful for dual-plugin)
  • Changed the widget plugin script with a better click handler.
  • Changed plugin scripts to dual quotation marks rather than singular.

Please tell me if you encounter any bugs with the latest version!

What do you want to see in SPlugin? Tell me your suggestions!

See for yourself here!
