Sponsored game ads: Stats disappear after finished running

Upon running a new sponsored ad for the first time, you will see the effects of it over the course of 24 hours almost perfectly fine, but after the ad has concluded, the stats disappear. You will notice that everything about the new sponsored ad is 0, the impressions, clicks, CTR, bid.

Create a new sponsored ad
Run the ad and wait 24 hours
Try to note the stats the sponsored ad received, expected results is the stats are there for you, but the reality is they disappear (but they’re not gone)

This happens 100% of the time.

This gif demonstrates it is not only a problem with new sponsored games, but part of a deeper problem. “After sponsoring a game, you do not see how well it did. Only the next time you run that sponsored ad, do you see the effects of the last time you ran the sponsored ad.
*Note how the “total bid” goes from 24k to 31k. Where was that extra 6k? It was from the last time I ran that sponsored ad.”




I lost a lot of marketing data because of this. I didn’t think to get screen shots because I didn’t know it was an issue until after a few sponsorships, so while that’s a work around, it doesn’t solve the issue at hand.

If for whatever reason it’s really hard to do (I won’t claim that an internal issue I know nothing about would be an easy fix), then at least put a disclaimer saying “after your promotion has ended, your data will reset.”

You can get around needing that marketing data by running a the minimum robux possible 10 Robux (or 100 I can’t remember) ad. Since it’s only the last data that is dropped, your larger run is still there once that tiny run starts.

Unfortunately I ran 10k, 12.5k, then 15k sponsors in that order - again, not knowing this was the issue until after. :frowning: