As of 8am today w/the dev stats, there was a huge dip in revenue reported. We noticed a significant loss in revenue (As in, 80% decrease in the space of an hour) with no changes to our game. Other developers are reporting similar behavior. Not sure if it’s a display issue or a genuine issue processing purchases.
Was told to make a separate report at the direction of roblox staff (possibly different issue).
Bee Swarm Sim also experienced the strange revenue dip yesterday (Sep 30th). Player count had no dip at all, in fact it was slightly up from the day before, but revenue fell about 43%. BSS revenue is very stable with predictable weekday/weekend dips, and revenue hasn’t fallen this low all year.
BSS’s daily revenue chart is similar to OPs, with an abrupt decrease starting at 8:00:
Looking at the daily revenue chart for the last month, the last 2 days saw a drastic fall, with the first full day after the bug began falling to about 1/5th - 1/6th of a typical Thursday’s revenue (and the lowest revenue day since shortly after the game’s launch).
Same here. ~35% drop from Sep 28 - Sep 30 with very similar visit rates. Weekday revenues are usually always predictable but this week will be one of the worst we had in a while. Today (Sep 1) will mark as one of the sharpest drops in revenue (~ 50% decrease from yesterday’s, with very similar visit rates from yesterday and the day before).
We are experiencing similar issues - all time low Revenue per visit for our games. See the charts below for the revenue per visit data.
Not sure if the same issue, but I have noticed I’m not seeing any of the robux-related stats appearing either, does not reflect what is seen in group sales for the same game
Hello, I also am seeing the same thing with incorrect information reported in the Developer Stats reports, including the Data Export spreadsheets.
Looking in my account transaction summary however, I can see that all the transactions are logged correctly there.
I’ve got this too. Is pending Robux still accurate? Seems like it hasn’t changed in a while, and I’m very eager to know what our revenue is rn
Seems to the be the case for, I can say with certainty the game has been a consist player account like usual and I’ve seen people are still buying stuff. I’m not too sure what this could be, my only though is didn’t Roblox make you earn 70% instead of 90% now? I could be wrong so please take that with a grain of salt.
Is pending Robux still accurate?
Seems to be in my case, yes. The only issue seems to be inaccurate data in Developer Stats.
Thank you for the bug report and apologies for the delayed response.
Our engineering team is looking into the issues presented here. We’ll update this topic as soon as we have more information for you.

I was wondering this because it says like 8k or 1k but when i look into the group as in sales it has way more than that i think its just not logging i dont think money is lost
I think the issue for yours not dropping is because your game isn’t getting nearly as many visits as some other games such as Bee Swarm Sim or Vehicle Sim.
Nope we make like 90-160k per day…
My bad I thought you were talking to Impulsive_Dev.
This is also the case on my end. Hopefully ROBLOX brings light to this.
My team is trying to figure out our September revenue and the lost data is giving us some serious headaches in tracking how our last month landed, are we going to have the lost data populated to our accounts at all or are we out of luck?
When the robux goes out of pending does it pay the right amount?