SteamVR forcefully opening when playing a game (Regression to how Roblox integrates with SteamVR)

The problem

From when this dev announcement was made up until today (December 8th), Roblox would not enter VR mode unless SteamVR was already active. Now, it opens SteamVR forcefully whenever you play a game.

A video showing the regression is attached below:


  • Ensure a SteamVR-compatible device is connected to your PC and that all SteamVR-related programs are closed.
  • Open Roblox with VR set to “On” in the Roblox settings.

The expected behavior is that Roblox does not enter VR mode as SteamVR is not open.
The actual behavior is that Roblox forces SteamVR open and enters VR mode anyway.

System info

I am on Windows 10 using a Valve Index. The Index always stays plugged in. SteamVR and all associated programs are up to date.


We’ve filled a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information.

Thanks for the report!


This is an issue for me as well, I can’t play roblox at all because it fires up my vive everytime I enter a game. The game isn’t in VR mode and my VR setting is off:


Also happening to me, if I try to close SteamVR it’ll also close Roblox.


Has anyone found a workaround so far? I unplugged my headset but SteamVR still pops up and makes me enter VR mode in an experience.


i am so upset :frowning:
i dont want to uninstall steamvr :frowning:


The strange thing is I don’t have a VR headset compatible with Roblox usually, and yet this is still going on. I use SteamVR for other purposes, but I cannot use my headset with Roblox. This bug hasn’t forcefully closed Roblox for me, but it has just opened up when I start playing.


to combat this issue, I’ve had to let roblox open steamvr (even though I had it uninstalled) and open steamvr’s file location from task manager, then deleted the entire steamvr file, which stopped it

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My game keeps switching to vr mode, even though I have my vr unplugged


SteamVR has been opening for me, but it only prompts me that it cant connect to my headset. Nothing else happens.

When closing out of the client, I get an error message.


issue seems to have been fixed :slight_smile:

EDIT: Issue is still prevalent, read posts below.

Original text:

After a recent client update, I can confirm this issue has been fixed (at least on my end). Major thanks to everyone involved for the speedy response!

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Yesterday, this bug was happening to me too; Even though my Meta Quest 2 isn’t probably even on, and isn’t connected to my computer, starting the Roblox client would take way longer because it would start up SteamVR before it would open. (Thankfully, it didn’t start in VR mode.)

I hope there is an update waiting for the client on my computer.


I can unfortunately confirm this is still continuing to happen on my end.

Even after playing earlier today, this issue suddenly and randomly pops up after a quick ‘update’ from ROBLOX, so I’m real glad that was pushed out.

After closing out all relevant tasks and programs (Steam, SteamVR, OVR, Virtual Desktop) and completely reinstalling ROBLOX Player, this issue is still happening.

HIGHLY disappointed with this, but what else is new with this company.


After this being fixed yesterday, another client update was sent out today (December 9th) that proceeded to unfix it. This is now still an issue.


This is still happening with me as well, but I don’t exactly know if there’s anything going on with my client.
I haven’t even gotten an update for Roblox on this, so I’m unsure if it was properly published.

This is disappointing but still hasn’t caused many issues for me personally, but I’m still waiting on a proper patch for this.

Still getting this Steam VR popup every time I launch a game

just now:


i’m going to assume that all of you have ropro enabled. try disabling it and joining a game, see if that works. it’s probably not roblox, it’s ropro itself.

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I’ve never even heard of Ropro and I’m having this issue.

It was fixed last night, but its started happening again to me as well.


weird, because when i disabled it, it stopped appearing for me. thats kinda… huh. check your extensions or something

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