SteamVR forcefully opening when playing a game (Regression to how Roblox integrates with SteamVR)

I have also been experiencing this issue as well. I don’t have any of my VR devices plugged in and I also have the VR setting on Roblox turned off yet it still opens SteamVR every time I open up Roblox.


I too am having this issue, I don’t even own a link cable for my Quest 2 so I don’t know why or how this is happening to me or anyone with a similar situation.
Hopefully, this gets fixed soon, it’s not game-breaking but it does get quite irritating at times

I’m not really sure how SteamVR works but you can just disable the scheduled service in Task Scheduler or add an action to Task Scheduler to close SteamVR when Roblox starts.

If steam VR runs using a service, you can also disable that service.

I also have this issue, Steam isn’t even open and it makes Roblox unusable unless you’re playing a VR game.


This is super frustrating- commenting because it’s still broken for me as well.

We had this same bug a few years ago, not sure why it had to resurface lol…

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it’s a very primitive fix, but i looked into it for the time being for a temporary solution.
go to C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common, locate your SteamVR folder and then do one of the following:

  • rename it (change it to something like “maxwell the cat” or “SteamVRa”)
  • move it (put it into your desktop or somewhere you know)
  • delete it (not recommended)

it won’t make steamvr work, which is why if you want to reuse it, just move it back to the common folder, or rename it back to SteamVR (i did SteamVRa)

this should work until roblox fixes itself (which may take a while lets admit it lol)

edit: cant believe i blamed ropro for it, just had word that it was working weirdly and i was like “yea this must be ropro” sorry guys lol


Thank you for sharing this! It’s a good temporary solution; the sooner Roblox fixes this issue, the better.

This is still happening and is still very annoying. Is there any update on when this will be fixed? This one’s weird because it was fixed at one point but was weirdly unfixed, so the solution is already there…? I shouldn’t really have to completely impair my ability to use SteamVR just to be able to play Roblox with no interruptions.

Hopefully this gets resolved soon, until a patch is pushed out I’ve temporarily uninstalled SteamVR to prevent this from happening. Quite annoying…

This is still happening after the fix that was somehow reversed. I use SteamVR for games with my Quest 2 as it runs games better than the Oculus client and it’s annoying to have to close it every time I open Roblox. Thankfully, it can be closed, but I am now ranking up my over 1000 hours of usage on it by having it open without me noticing.

Update: Since this has been fixed, I am happy to say that the hour count has been not increasing as fast as it did while Roblox had this issue! (However, I still sometimes forget it’s on, so always remember to turn it off when you’re not in VR!)


Has anyone been able to pinpoint whether this is on Roblox or Valve’s side? Even when you don’t have a plugged in HMD, SteamVR will still boot-up with the Roblox client.

Most likely Roblox as other SteamVR supported games don’t have this issue. From what I seen.

Definitely a Roblox issue since I can play some games that open SteamVR in VR mode but not in desktop mode

Any updates on this? I can’t play Roblox without it going into VR mode in every single game. Uninstalling SteamVR isn’t a good enough bypass/temporary fix since I also play VR games which requires me to reinstall and delete SteamVR everytime I want to play VR.


I’m still encountering this issue, and I haven’t seen any other response than this. Is there still something being done about this? This is disruptive to playing many players and developers, and I’m hoping this gets resolved shortly.

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Hello developers!

I can’t provide a timeline, unfortunately, but we discussed internally and the engineers are working on a fix for this issue!
Hopefully will be shipped after this period of the year!

Merry Christmas everyone, until then! :slight_smile:


Unfortunately I need to bump this issue up again. It’s now not only doing it for SteamVR but now the Oculus app on my computer. My oculus is disconnected and off yet the home app is still being called from the Roblox Player. Please fix this. This is getting to the point where I just cannot play or develop at all when the OVR app launches over SteamVR.


This appears to be a separate bug entirely on Roblox’s end as it happens on older versions of Roblox. For example, a 2016 studio will launch OVR immediately after starting up.

However, this doesn’t appear to happen to me. It might be because you have both of them installed.

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Bruh, this issue has existed for a good while now. Its not fun closing steam vr every time, and renaming the steamvr folder isnt a solution, especially if you are a regular vr user. Please get more devs onto this issue!

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when will this be fixed? in 2020 you could still disconnect your headset and steamvr would not boot with roblox. Now it still does, even when my head is disconnected. very annoying bug.