Studio+ - The all in one solution to your development needs

Update: Paypal added!!!

what does the beautify part do under the scripting category?

Beautify is a feature that allows you to quickly beautify your script. This option is better than the built in format feature as the built in one only does indentation. you can beautify scripts and rename variables with the beautify module!

i recommend that yoy make a demo 'cause i am NOT paying 10$ for an ‘extension’ or plugin for studio :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::sob::sob::sob:


You just stated that you have no intention of buying it even with a demo/seeing how it works. He spent like a week making it and isnt asking for like 50 bucks.

Again, I myself wouldn’t buy a product without really seeing much of how it works for myself and how it contributes to me, but you just don’t wanna pay the money. “Demo” by your definition in this scenario is free plugin utilities.


Hello! I appreciate your feedback. Unfortunately a Demo is not something that is planned as it would impose things like security risks ( like winrar, you never pay for it ) and even if it was a not-complete version it would only make people not purchase as they dont see the full picture.

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I am offering free copies to anyone willing to do a detailed review

To qualify for a free copy:

  1. You must be a active on the devforum
  2. You must be skilled in any of the following fields: UI / UX, Building, or Scripting - please state what you are proficient in and any work

You can message me through here to see if you qualify :slight_smile:

2 / 5 free copies left

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Ill do a review, PM me for more info


I would like to check it out… been active daily on dev forum.

Roblox 5 years…

Building , scripting, vfx



ive issued around 3 copies. offer still standing for anyone interested :)
im offering studio and personal copies

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I have sent you a Dev-Forum message about:

Check it out.

Message for OP

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Help Guide:

Helped me understand the plugin in like 5 minutes
Could use more of a guide but its alright

User Interface:
Didn’t understand what unit conversion and asset manager is useful for so sorry if I had to leave that out.

Constraints manager

A bit useful, I could add UIAspectRatioConstraint to my guis without having to search for it.

Textures / Patterns

This was cool to do animations with and stuff, for feedback you could add more textures / patterns


Super useful, I can rely on this plugin for precise alignments now.
(you could add an offset feature to alignment)

Drop shadow

Cool for buttons, frames and etc


This was actually pretty cool, with these icons I could make a 2D game.


Auto anchor

Simply one of the best features in the plugin, I can finally make builds without having to anchor everything

Object finder

This helped me eliminate all the inaccurate parts in my builds,

Model to folder

This was awesome for my line force experiments and stuff because I can select parts inside of a folder unlike a model, this is a mid feature


This was useful, I am not a lighting expert so this helped me a lot in making realistic games.


One of the best features on the game, so much skyboxes, I can make obby games without it looking too plain and me not using skyboxes from the toolbox.

Sun repositioning

Nice feature, I can reposition the sun so that my builds are not going to be so bright.


THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST USEFUL FEATURES IN THE GAME (srry for caps), 3D models are very useful in obbies and something like that


Could use more textures but this was good, I can make modern water instead of 2018 lookin’ water.


Rename Variables / Globals

Alright this was a decent feature, I have no idea what to call my variables if they are complicated.


Performance is needed in a lot of games, minifying the code makes the game run faster by a tiny bit.

Quick backup

Nice feature! My clipboard is not going to be filled with scripts anymore or me forgetting to CTRL+C (copy) my work.

Instance Serializer

I do not know what the purpose of this is but it could be used when I want to spawn a part EXACTLY THE SAME without :Clone()
And this is like converting an object to a script which is pretty cool

Snippet Library

Nice, its like custom admin commands in roblox studio


Enhanced syntax highlighting is very useful for reading scripts

(VFX is unfinished and in beta)

So far I see good looking VFX, can’t wait to use it when its complete.


Quick modules

The quick modules were more quicker to use, you could add a normal datastore though.

Player lookup

A mid feature, useful with looking for players though if you only know the user id.

Did not have a purpose for what Proxify in HTTPS is useful for so sorry if I left that out.


Note: I had to be really precise with it.
Alright this is a cool feature instead of opening a google tab and searching google translator
(Add more languages pls)

AI advisor

Great feature,
I can use game advice when I have nothing to do
I can use encouragement if i feel like giving up

Note: Im totally not using autoclicker on encouragement for infinite motivation

(I found some errors while testing the plugin, you should probably look into that.)

(Also when I load a game on studio my game freezes for like 15 seconds then it shows the Studio+ plugin tab)

Overall this is a really great plugin!

Time it took to make the review

1 day to make this review

Rating: 9.5/10
Overall this is a really great plugin!

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Great review! Thank you so much for supporting Studio +.


Hey, I’m ghg, a.k.a. ghgfdhmkug2 on Roblox, and i would like to qualify for the free copy.
I am proficient in building and GFX, and I have 6 years on studio, 2 years building, 1 year GFX and 5 months UI. I am active almost every day, I spend hours reading posts on the DevForum.

I think your plugin looks very useful, as I am sick of anchoring and anchoring parts, and that find parts by color sounds very interesting. Now here’s my review:

The datastore tool sounds interesting, and it would help me with my game I am currently working on, 2 Player Soccer Obby. I’m starting to become a beginner scripter, and the Scripting Features tab looks like it would help a lot. The UI looks great, and the plugin has really great building tools, and anything you can possibly think of! I will 100% use this awesome plugin if i get the free copy (I’m too broke to afford the plugin). The encouragement will help me a lot since i tend to quit my projects often. I hope this review helps you in some sort of way! :happy1:

Now here’s my pros and cons:


  • Very useful, especially the datastore and building tools.
  • UI tools will help a ton for scaling and other effects.
  • The UI seems professional and very clean.
  • VFX tools will help a ton of VFX makers.
  • Overall great plugin.


  • The button icons at the top can use some icons, not emojis.
  • The price is in USD, not robux but we can’t really do anything about it since Roblox enforces USD payment.

Heres my past work:

(i cleared my screenshots folder :sob:)

Screenshot 2024-08-28 163259

Screenshot 2024-08-28 163331

Thank you for this plugin, It looks like you put a ton of hard work in there! :clap:


Thank you!

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Posting a review for a user.


Sorry for the bump,

Here is a similar issue: Roblox Moderation Keeps Taking Down My Models For NO Reason - Help and Feedback / Platform Usage Support - Developer Forum | Roblox
There’s also some false negatives?

No problem, I happened to look at the guidelines and require(), getfenv(), etc are blacklisted terms which I get, but also a lot of older developers have gotten away with it.

getfenv is deprecated and for very good reason, outside of sandboxing, there is no reason to need to change a function environment.

it also disables multiple luau optimisations and native codegen due to some “expected shape” stuff, im not sure of the details here.

Almost every obfuscation tool at some point uses getfenv (allows them to further obscure _ENV accesses) in its execution which is why its blocked so heavily

require(id) is similarly blocked because, although all source must be public, it allows bad actors to inject bad code into your game/plugin if you’re not the uploader (and at that point, just include it directly into the plugin).

i too wish to do a review, pm me for more info
im “proffiicient” in scripting and uhh mediocre at everything else

Studio+ is a great tool for Roblox developers. It has a lot of features that can make your work easier.
Studio+ offers alot of great functions and i would buy it if i were u.

• UI Tools: You can create UIs quickly with tools like Alignment, UI Presets, and built-in icons and textures. Development of ui can be hard but this makes it alot easier.

• Building: Features like automation for anchoring parts, an object finder, and access to a huge library of models and textures are really helpful. Building things is something alot of New and young developers struggle with. Most People cant afford modelers then studio+ is THE plugin for you!

• Scripting: Tools like the Code Formatter and Quick Backup help you write and organize your code better. Plus, the Snippet Library lets you save and reuse code across projects. We have all had our code look hysterical but this plugin will help u with that and organise it for u!

• VFX: The visual effects tools are easy to use, with particles and textures for creating cool effects. Lets be real, the sparkles roblox created are kinda useless. The ones Studio+ have are not.

• Data Store: Managing data is easier with modules and a data editor, and you can even look up player profiles. All data store managers nowadays are overpriced but this datastore manager is And cheap And one of th3 many functons this plugin offers

• Miscellaneous: There’s a translator, AI advice, and more tools to improve your workflow. This is something that u never see. Its a great group of functions that are very useful.

If you’re serious about Roblox development, Studio+ will make things a lot easier. It’s definitely worth considering if you want to speed up your projects. I personally am making scripts for my game and this would definitely help me alot!

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