Studio Tweaks - Disable selection box, disable UI Editor, anchor new parts, show selection faces, and more

When I opened studio that wasnt there, I had to ask void how to open it, strange

Iā€™ve tweaked something that may have fixed an issue with the plugin on first-open.


Hey @PeZsmistic, Iā€™ve a suggestion in mind for a possible feature - could you add support like Anchored and CastShadow, could you add support for having CanTouch disabled by default? When building or doing something else, youā€™d almost most definitely not be interested in having CanTouch enabled for every part.
Many thanks!


For disabling the UI editor you can actually already do this within Studio. The only problem is that it auto re-enables itself every time you select a new UI element. If your plugin could just use this option to disable the UI editor somehow then it would disable clicking and dragging on UI items.
Hereā€™s how I know how to toggle the UI editor and how Iā€™ve been using it:

  1. In the top-left just next to the ā€œFileā€ dropdown there are some options (By default I think they include save to file, undo, redo, and new.) Click the dropdown next to them.

  2. Then click ā€œCustomizeā€

  3. Search for ā€œUI Editorā€

  4. Click ā€œUI Editorā€ in the list on the left and then click ā€œAdd >>>ā€

  5. Check the box on ā€œUI Editorā€ in the list on the right

  6. Click ā€œOKā€

Now in that list of options shown in my screenshot you should see the button to toggle the UI Editor. Iā€™m not sure if thereā€™s a way to do this from code but it would be handy if there was.

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Unfortunately I cannot call existing actions in Studio via plugin.
But thatā€™s cool, I didnā€™t know about this.

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This has been added, and Iā€™ve moved all instance-default tweaks into a submenu.


There seems to be a bug while using this plugin.

As you probably expect, disabling the plugin fixes it.

Here is how you can reproduce it with the plugin enabled:

  • Insert a part into workspace and copy-paste it.
  • You will notice a .05 stud gap between the two parts.

This is only half fixable due to the way Studio handles safe-move for parts. Safe-move happens when you insert a part via Insert Object, or copy and paste. It does not respect collision groups that do not collide with default, so to fix this I had to throw another hack on the heap of hacks this plugin is built from.

When you press CTRL / āŒ˜, the selection box override will ā€œdisableā€ temporarily to allow for paste operations to occur without interference. As a side effect, this can be useful if you have a situation where the bounding box override turns things invisible and you need to quickly check how they normally look without disabling the setting, or if you need the simple face adornments to be located at the origin of the selection.

Here is the code responsible if youā€™re curious. It runs on RenderStepped and is very much a sin.

if UIS:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl) then -- Shrink bounding box for Ctrl+V paste :)
    setBoxSize(box, target.Size + BOUNDING_BOX_SIZE_OFFSET)	

You will still see the gap-causing behavior it you insert a new part on top of the currently selected part. I cannot reliably detect this to prevent this from happening, but I donā€™t believe this case will be a common problem.

Included with this update is a fix for the pluginā€™s behavior in games with max collision groups. Previously it might have been able to override the last collision group, which is rather bad. Now it will simply not work and throw a warning in the log.


I understand why you would want this plugin to be hidden away in the background so we can set it and forget it, but Iā€™d really like a setting that gives it a toggle on the plugin panel to switch all of the features on and off.


This is an amazing plugin and helps me find the correct face of the part easily. Thank you so much!

Hi. Could you add check marks to the properties I have selected currently?

They currently get a depressed button appearance in the context menu when selected. Is this not visible enough?

I have added a master switch to the plugin in the context menu. Why do you need a button in the ribbonbar to turn your settings on/off?

Latest version has a bug.

Whenever I select a Part/Model, it turns transparent. Very difficult to use that way.

It changed in the past week or so.

Have you made those parts have transparency >0 and are you are using the selection box override? This is covered in the OP as a limitation.

New Bug: Edit Quality Level Changes when Using Use Dynamic size part/decal selection box


sorry for lag

This is not a bug. That feature only works on higher qualities, so the plugin sets it automatically.

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I havenā€™t had this problem before the latest updates, but that probably makes sense. Thanks.

Question: Is the selection box supposed to thicken if we press Ctrl when we have a part selected? It is really interfering with my workflow.

How is this interfering with your workflow?
This is meant as a hack to prevent copy and paste from displacing the pasted parts upwards due to safe-move interacting with the inflated selection box associated with the outline replacement feature. I might be able to move the key to ā€œVā€, but I think I tried this and it the paste happens before the selection box gets the chance to shrink out of the way.

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