Studio Tweaks - Disable selection box, disable UI Editor, anchor new parts, show selection faces, and more

I’m having a hard time selecting a close group of parts together.

Please don’t make me pry, can you in detail explain why this is interfering with that? Maybe a video? I cannot work around your specific problem if you don’t explain what it is. Why are you holding control when you are trying to select a close group of parts?

I just realized holding shift does the same thing. My Apologies.

The hover box was moved to another place in CoreGui today. You should update to continue using the dynamic hoverbox thickness feature.

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Does this mean engineers are finally going to fix the bad selection boxes? I’d hope so :pensive:

Hover over selection box size is oddly large.

Need more reproduction information than that.

  • Reproduction file
  • Team create or not
  • Did you update the plugin

Updated the plugin, this issue seems to occur in a team create, works fine in a non-team create studio.
I used a simple part for testing, and the size of the hover box doesn’t change at all in the team create, unlike the non-team create one.

I cannot reproduce. Make sure you have the latest version because I fixed an issue like this ages ago. You’ll need to do some investigation on your part to figure out what’s causing the problem if it’s not just the plugin being outdated. Please provide a file and step by step instructions to replicate the problem.

I have found and fixed an issue related to the hover box, make sure you update the plugin.
Not sure if it was the same problem, but note that if it was, it could have been fixed a lot sooner if you had provided more information.

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Sorry about that, it randomly fixed itself earlier so I just gave up.

For some reason when I have this plugin enabled, I lag a TON but when its disabled I don’t
This is in a team create game, about a 1000 parts
Did you change anything recently

(Gif was taken in 30 fps, you can see quite clearly that it is way less
QjpEjIgIQo )

Please capture a microprofiler dump! I cannot diagnose anything without that. There have been no recent changes.

How do I do that? never done this stuff before

Press Ctrl + F6, cause the lag to happen, then quickly choose Dump > 128 frames so you capture the lag in the dump. The dump will be in the %UserProfile% directory on Windows (enter that into the explorer path bar). Upload the generated HTML file here.

It would also be helpful if you told me which features you had enabled.

I am quite confused, I was gonna do this but when I reopened studio for like the 5th time its completely back to normal. The plugin is still enabled. I guess problem solved? Maybe it was a different plugin interfering with tweaks


Welp I reopened the place and now the lag is back. Here is a mp dump

microprofile-20210723-004122.html (7.5 MB)

Never done it before so I probably did this wrong

microprofile-20210723-004229.html (7.7 MB)

@PeZsmistic Updated the microprofiler dump, use this one because the first time I did it wrong

Can you try turning off “Include normal welds with Show Details”, or in the Studio ribbonbar try turning off Constraint Details? In places with many welds (especially template places where everything is welded surface-to-surface) this can be extremely intensive, because these are rendered regardless of distance.

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OHHH I FORGOT TO DO THAT Thank you I was having this issue when I turned it on, but I forgot to turn it off I guess

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Having this plugin in studio- not even enabled- breaks undoing after you group a selection.

Repro: Have plugin installed, test ctrl + z, select 2+ things, hit ctrl + g, hit ctrl + z a second time, it won’t do anything.
Disabling the plugin in Plugin Management instantly fixes the bug, disabling it from the context menu (P) does not.

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