Sunsetting User Ads and improvements to Sponsored Experiences

yes, that is quite literally what roblox is doing


Because Roblox won’t be ad-free. Remember when Roblox just had regular ads? It’ll be like that again.

I remember making my first account in 2014 with your mindset, but for Gaia Online. It was basically Roblox, but anime. This was way before ruining nice things was commonplace on the internet, but the developers of GA ensloppified the website, before that word was even coined! Roblox had such a compartively nicer UI, and the games were entirely user made (and actually fun.) That was ten years ago, and I think I was 11 years old. Now I kind of feel that again, but the problem is that the Internet isn’t young anymore. Everything’s been monopolized. Roblox has no competition and because of that no need for quality control or community feedback. Where are we going to go?


Are you talking about the user ads made by Roblox (which I think will also be removed), the sponsorship events, or the off-platform ads that used to be there a long time ago (for people who didn’t have what was known as Builders Club)?

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Now you gotta like pay some youtuber to play your game. Oh the money? Yeah that will have to come from you 9-5.

damn I was spoiled to randomly have a popular game in 2013…I wish others could too now


Where do you even go to pay YouTubers to play a game? Like Roblox ads you go to a simple site, you put in money, and you run it. Daily. How would one even go about getting YouTubers to play a game with any sort of regularity? It would have to be 1-1 transactions … that would take forever just to manage all of those.


roblox admins dont understand (cuz they want MORE MORE MORE MORE money) that they are pushing (new) developers away from your platform so they will advertise, for example, on TikTok.


Please also look into the query for “draw” and “drawing”. There are several games with zero players which are appearing higher than my drawing games which have 800+ players.

Yea, I feel like Roblox tries to explain it, but things keep changing. Roblox should resort to the old ones where we are all familiar with it and where we aren’t overcharged for CPP.

User ads are getting more and more sketchy, website users (I’m sure) are very excited for this change…

You know… now that im thinking about it, I think Roblox employees had an brain aneurysm by looking at these ads, at this point I can see why theyre removing it.

Although I hope they find a better system for advertising UGC Items and Groups that wont give you brain aneurysm when looking at the ad.


If that isn’t the most subtle gate-keeping I’ve ever seen.


True, nostalgia alone is not enough of a reason to keep something.

However, like you said, ads are the exception. Them being goofy and out of place helps make Roblox unique.

It’s not really about nostalgia as much as it is about identity.


Great, Roblox shoots another bullet into their feet to feed their investors. Roblox and their greed as a public company.


I think theres a total of 4 people on this post that are actually happy about this change
Edit: im pretty sure that was ironic my bad

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I get really annoyed when staff reply to topics/posts which are neutral/positive, but they don’t even respond to negative feedback. Where are the staff now? I want to talk and explain why I don’t like this.


Where are we going to go?

s&box. migrate to s&box when it releases and start the ensloppification timer


The last one, i remember how ugly those made the sight look.


The new advertising system has been proven to be much less effective than User Ads. Unlike what you expected, most developers aren’t willing to use the ad portals and billboards. In addition, when there is an ad portal in a game, almost all players walk past it because they are ALREADY PLAYING A GAME. User Ads were much more effective than this terrible new advertisement system you are pushing on us.

The worst part is that YOU COULD BE WORKING ON FIXING (quite literally) ANYTHING ELSE.


There are more examples of this, too. Roblox will help larger developers with things like using copyrighted audio that the developer has permission to use. (they have been promising this feature for years)