Sunsetting User Ads and improvements to Sponsored Experiences

If it isn’t broken don’t fix it. Don’t make the same mistake as you did with the Collaboration section.

What about clothing or UGC groups? How are they supposed to gain new members or make profit? New games will not be able to efficiently sponsor their own games. The sponsored experiences are filled with clickbait games promising free avatar items for joining. As for myself, I never join a sponsored game for that reason. It doesn’t give a chance for the good quality games to gain attention or even a player base that stays.

Most developers are now complaining about the complexity of the new platform. What once was so simple turned into something much more complex. Sure it shows being “advanced” but at what cost? Not to mention the graphics designers that profit off of creating ads for developers. There are more negatives than positives. There were absolutely 0 effective reasons for this update. This update will affect Roblox all around.


Well there goes most groups not dependent on games.


This is an absolute shame. The user Ads were far more effective for small developers than the new ads manager ever could be. With the ads manager , you get outbid constantly and it uses all the ad credit fast, not only the fact it is extremely expensive to small devs at 2.8K minimum. With the ads manager system, you can’t keep a constant player base , not as good as the old sponsor system and User Ads. This needs to be reversed.


All i have left to say is…

BoOoOoOo!!! BoOoOoOo!!! BoOoOoOo!!!

:-1: :-1: :-1:

Developer made games are now a thing of the past, welcome to the future of sponsored games - video games made by corporations like walmart/chipolte that are really just ads marketed as games.


Is the user ads going to be removed? It’s June 18th already. Probably Roblox changed their plans about permanently removing user ads.

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For that, you can access your previous user ads campaign reporting and data on the User Ads Page so It most likely not happen

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what do you mean bruh, they are already gone. if you still see them maybe some ads are just still running in your time zone, but once the ad campaigns time runs out there will not be any new ones coming.



Nah roblox what is this. This looks like the microsoft version of roblox


I always hated stupid roblox ads. But when they got removed… Roblox has lost one more part of itself…
I wish that silly pictures come back. :disappointed_relieved:


The main page looks blank and souless. Good job


I hope Roblox realizes what they are doing. They are turning away smaller developers to make more money for the investors. I blame Roblox’s coming downfall on it becoming a public company, because now instead of appealing to users they have to appeal to investors. They should remember who makes up the majority of the community: THE COMMUNITY.


It’s telling me that 1 ad credit is 285 robux. THATS 2850 ROBUX FOR 10 AD CREDITS. I feel incredibly screwed over on this.


i take back everything i said i am sorry

You are absolutely right , us developers was screwed over. This update only benefits big developers and companies, as I stated before the current new ads manager is no where near effective as the old ads and sponsored ads , especially for small developers, even if you spend a ton load of Robux, you only get a couple players to a couple hundred then it dies back down to zero once all the ad credit is spent and it is spent very fast in minutes to hours because you are constantly outbid by bigger developers , like front page games. It’s a shame


Ever since roblox went public in 2021. It was slowly bad choice after bad choice. The priority of small devs is gone…

How am I suppose to be motivated or any small dev? I loved working on this platform back in 2019-2022, but all these BAD choices are RUNING it!! And no explanations… they don’t care!!!


Agreed it’s sad! 2019 was absolute golden time for developing fun games and it was a pretty fun and chill year on top of that. Us small devs are having less and less options for growth. This year alone they did:

• Removed raw developer stats - makes it way harder for us to see daily/month raw visits which in turn makes it hard to see what works at a glance.

• Made Plugins that are paid USD only - Without the option of Robux, it’s makes it even harder for small devs going through hard times In real life to use, I suspect the use of plugins will be on the decline, cause remember anything a plugin can do you can do too , maybe takes more time tho.

• And now removing User Ads - The new Ads manager is not ideal for small developers or for keeping a consistent player base unless if you strike it lucky, in my experiences it is not remotely more effective as the old sponsor and ad system , not to mention the minimum is 2.8K robux to sponsor. User Ads was the last true effective way for small developers to advertise their games inside of Roblox. Now we have to either pay the expensive ads manager just to be outbid by bigger games and waste robux or advertise outside of Roblox sadly.



Why yes, I would love to try the new ads manager! click

Oh boy, this ads manager is great!


How does roblox continuously do stuff that the community does not want at all; if they want more money it would probably be best if they changed the logo and website back to the 2014 layout


post-ad removal sponsorships lookin’ fire