
Excuse me but what the hell, why would Roblox lock such an essential feature to CoreScripts only? What CoreScripts are even utilising this feature??? This is just sitting there being useless because we can’t use it.


Aren’t CanvasGroups already converted to Images, this would explain the fact that it’s low resolution, works with sibling zindex behaviour and the few glitches I’ve seen it ACT as an image. Why can’t you do this for SurfaceGUIs? I can already use functions I use on a regular frame with CanvasGroups.

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Looks like it’s used for VR UI


Roblox obviously can do this but refuses to?

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So they’re device limiting features, very ironic and hypocritical coming from Roblox.


Its in roblox’s nature, ask for features that are actually wanted from the community and not given the generic response of “oh you can do this, just in a very weird way!” or “this is not really needed”.

It will either be ignored or replied to at a very late date by someone from roblox, unless there is ACTUAL uproar these features are almost never added.

These features will at best be requested by staff, but take years to actually be added. I’m not blaming the staff here, but the higher-ups at roblox seriously need to step up their game.

For example, multiple lines in the command bar was something that has been requested since like 2019. It’s been 5 years and we still don’t have it.


Would you be able to share how you’ve done this?


Billion dollar company btw… the engine is so far behind…


It’s a sad world we live in… c’mon now back to scripting.

This is terrible honestly. Roblox adding features solely for themselves? Didn’t even bother to make a big deal of it in a forum post they just hide it nice. Also Wrapped is still needed regardless.

im pretty sure if you acess the coregui, by doing something like surfacegui.parent = game.coregui and then tweening it in the command bar

Bump! This would make immersive guis so much easier to make! Hell, even the CoreGui locked curvature properties would help a LOT.

I want to make a hud like DooM (2016). but to do that I’d have to do a lot of very annoying tasks. Biggest issue is building the hud itself. In other engines, I could just make a curved plane and apply the GUI to that plane. In Roblox, I have to create a bunch of separate planes, then do a bunch of shenanigans to make it look like it’s 1 hud that’s curved.