As for the shader graph the problem is that some devices, the Mac devices or Consoles (i don’t remember which actually), cannot compile shaders during runtime. A Roblox Staff said it somewhere in other post. So i this isn’t that easy.
But yeah, SurfaceProjection instance should be pretty much possible.
i would like to add that, highlights(which are used as game mechanics for locators, etc), did not have highlight outline on android till last year. it seems like there’s a bit of hypocrisy coming from certain people, why are some features given the “we can’t support it on mobile, and we don’t want to leave certain devices out”, yet future lighting and others were features that were originally only on computer, before coming to other devices.
also, adding this feature would be great for custom lights with interesting fall off patterns, like as seen in these photos
another case i can think of is projectors, being able to have projectors that actually cast shadows and aren’t just a decal would be phenomenal. blood splatters too, along with footsteps if optimised enough.
Please just give us this feature already Roblox…
I do not think you understood the post correctly.
This would be extremely useful. Even if SpotLights or SurfaceLights had a TextureId property, it would be so cool to see and have many use cases
wanted to do some cool ui effects on a part, was kinda bummed when i realised that you can’t actually clip a surface gui. We would all love to see this feature!
I would love to see this feature, from Lighting effects, to Stains on walls, and things like graffiti, this would be extremely useful! I really hope with something very similar ([Update] Projecting decals to EditableMesh!) already being a feature that we can get this for normal parts/environments as well.
You guys dropped support for 2.0 and migrated to 3.0, the version required for the feature to work, couldn’t you add it now?
OpenGL ES 2.0 was not actually fully removed, they list ES3 as being the “minimum” requirement, but if you boot up an Android emulator, and set it to OpenGL ES 2.0, Roblox will still run (Granted, at about 5 frames per second). Weirdly enough, they actually did drop it for iPhones, just not for Android.
Though it is said that OpenGL ES 2.0’s removal was put “on hold” and not outright cancelled, so there’s still hope for this feature being implemented in the future. Even if depth buffer access is still slow on ES 3.0, it’d be better than just flat out not having this feature at all.