Team Create takes three hours to load on new games

When I create a new place, I can edit it with studio perfectly fine, however, when I enable team-create, it restarts studio and goes into what seems an “infinite loading screen” (see screenshots)

To replicate:
Create a new game, (via website or studio)
Turn on Team-create
Edit the place.

Not sure if this is on my side or not, but I’ve been experiencing this for quite a while now and I couldn’t find any other posts about it…

Internet Speed:

Games which I tested:
Place 1 (made via studio)

Place 2 (made via website)

It did load eventually, although it took about 3 hours.


This should be fixed!


Seems to be working now! Will notify here if anything changes.

I have a similar problem. When open a team create game, it fails. as shown below

I has been restarted many times, but it is still the same problem, and even the studio has been reinstalled.

But if I open a locally created game, there’s no problem

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You should file a new bug report for that with all the required details. This one is about Team Create taking really long to load newly created games.

I am Currently Experiencing this issue, I turned on team create and the game is now broken.

The icon shows as a Deleted Icon but I can change name of the Game.


It’s not fixed for me
I’m having this issue since October and still most team create sessions don’t load at all

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@KennaUTB @Retrospectiv3 please file the necessary details as to not waste engineering time and to improve the chances of them looking into your issues:

For starters, add a game link, and please provide (much) more information than that.

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This is the Game I have been Having these Bugs on.

As you can see the Thumbnail has a Deleted Image When I haven’t uploaded an Image to it.

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I’ve been getting this issue intermittently for the last 24 hours. Same as the post describes, when I turn Team Create on I get stuck on an “infinite” loading game UI. None of the now 4 places I’ve had this issue on today have recovered yet, and it has been about 4 hours.

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Bumps are duplicate of Team Create Baseplate template is moderated - New Team Create games never load