Temporary Process For Archiving Avatar Items

If this means we’re getting more options for our avatar items with this, would we also be able to get the “delete from inventory” feature expanded to other avatar items? You can delete classic shirts from inventory but not classic t-shirts, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a few really cringe t-shirts that I bought as a kid that I’d love to get rid of for good.


You already can delete Classic T-Shirts


I cant see Asset Archive Request, and the last thing id want to be doing is DMCAing myself.


This is the day a lot of users have been waiting for. Thank you Roblox!

However, I want to express some concerns:

  • Why did it take Roblox so long to do something regarding this issue?
  • What’s going to happen to users who have already been banned for old clothing assets?
  • Why isn’t there a built-in self-service archival option for Marketplace in the first place?

There is one more concern I want to point out though, it may not sound rational but actually dumb but since we all know how the Roblox moderation operates I would like to ask this and have an answer about it as soon as possible:
- Is it safe to reach out via Roblox Support? Will I be assured that the material will be archived or will it be a way for the asset to be under Roblox’s radar and get moderated afterwards.


Oh that’s my bad, I meant to say being able to remove off-sale Classic T-Shirts. There’s no option for that.

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Hey @runlola_run24,

I’m slightly puzzled as to why the text box on the support form has a character limit.
I now submitted a specific request to archive my content, and then used the ‘reply’ button within my email program to send the links of the assets.

Could you explain the reason behind this limitation?

Best regards,


You should still be able to delete offsale classic t-shirts.

If you’re the uploader of the item, try putting it on sale and then taking it offsale, then see if the delete option appears, because sometimes it won’t appear unless you do this for whatever reason.
If that doesn’t apply then you could try using a browser extension (RoSeal) which re-adds the option to delete.

(Note that you can’t delete Roblox-created items.)

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Can we request meshparts and or models? like, those RenderMesh and model imports than cant be archived in the dashboard.

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Hope it will be better than THIS:



Bah, was going to ask about this. I’ve been getting dinged lately for models I made when I was, like, 12 tops that Nintendo’s taking notice of now, but as far as I can tell I have no way to actually even find the things in my inventory because of how old they are, nevermind actually do anything about them first.

edit: I have been informed on Discord that it’s actually pretty straightforward now, with searches and proper page numbers and stuff. Guess that’s what I get for not keeping up with such changes.


This is a step in the right direction, but I would still like to be able to permadelete my models and places.


If DMCA takedown requests are still valid after an item has been archived, then this message from April 9 that a bunch of people received would be a complete total lie:

If that’s the case, archiving wouldn’t have a point.


:thinking: Why not have at least a confirmation note like what people have received on April 9?

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Don’t worry, you’re not DMCAing yourself.
Asset Request Removal = Asset Archive Request.
The language in the automated email indicates that, that it is an archive request.

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What is the timeframe between when an archive request is submitted and when it is fully executed?
I sent mine approximately two weeks prior to this announcement through the new support option.

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I filed an archival request last year. On March 22nd 2023, I was told (and I quote with a direct copy paste from the archival request ticket):
This email is to confirm that your request for the removal of certain content you uploaded to Roblox has been received and we aim to complete all such requested removals within 30 days of receipt of the request. Some content may take longer to remove; if you have any questions about content removal, please feel free to reply to this email.

No strike or moderation action should be applied to your account as a result of this request. If you receive a strike or moderation action, please reply to this email and we will assist you further.

On May 24th 2023 two items from the archival request were hit with DMCA claims. I of course got a strike from them, despite being told they were going to be archived within maximum a month before the strike happened. Because this was my third strike I got a ban, so of course I simply appealed saying “hey, I was told these items were archived and I would not get a strike in (ticket number)”
Long story short support refused to unban me and kept switching their story between variations of “ticket doesn’t include the striked items” (it did) and “ticket doesnt exist” (despite the fact their story switches on the next reply to imply the ticket does exist)

During the following several months, none of the assets ever get archived.

I am being 100% honest when I say I wasn’t unbanned until January 6th 2024. Literally 7, approaching 8 months later.
They refused to acknowledge it was their fault (“After a close review, we have restored your account as a one time exception.” implying that the items weren’t archived)

I questioned support on if the assets will ever be archived (because even still, that many months later, they weren’t archived) and got a WORD FOR WORD copy of the original archival request response on January 7th. It then took until 10th of April, a few days over 3 months later for them to actually archive the assets, despite TWICE telling me “oh yeah we’ll get rid of them in 30 days”, both times being a complete lie.

In short I have literally zero reason to believe this exact same support team will care about our safety and security whatsoever.

I’d be willing to bet actual IRL money that this could still be an issue even with the new asset hiding change they made.


This was the primary problem with the Copyright Agent holding up requests to archive content despite promising to do so within 30 day timespan. Those emails indicated if they were DMCA’d to contact them about it.

That’s what got people really worried because 30 days is a long time as it is to process an archive request and for everyone it took many months to even years. Yours is probably the worst case I’ve seen posted on the Dev forum. Even though people had requested the items to be archived, they weren’t and the copyright agent continuously denied even having tickets for your request.
That’s why I continuously stayed up to date until they did get archived.

My post which is about the enmass archiving that occured on April 9 of this year, on the other hand, deals with items that have been already archived.
That’s the next question. Are archived assets treated as archived assets or just harder to find regular assets where they can still be DMCA’d, undercutting the whole point of archiving?


Does anyone else not have the “Asset Archive Request” option in the support form after selecting DMCA? Unless, its Asset Removal Request now.


I sent an email to both copyright_agent@roblox.com and ipcontent_removal_request@roblox.com on May 29th 2024 with all the assets I request to be removed from my account to avoid problems and have not received any sort of reply yet. Do I still need to go through this new temporary process? The post explicitly states do not submit multiple requests to take down the same item.


I have a Wrong Termination Issue I had the same issue this is sad i lost my childhood account , nobody is helping me…

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I have a Wrong Termination Issue I had the same isue guys click and help me too what can i do.