I feel as though the banner just adds too much to the homescreen; I have to scroll pretty far just to get to continued. I think just having daily picks on there is fine, we probably don’t need both (daily picks are awesome)
Today’s Picks are, in fact, not awesome. It’s just favoritism and bloat to promote already popular/sponsored games.
I like that the image is not bound to a simple rectangle. I will be certainly making a banner in a similar fashion if this comes to us.
I’ve made thoughts clear on the new direction of the home page many times; I feel like the idea of turning the home page into the new discover page is misguided, and makes Roblox harder to use in general.
The home page should always be YOUR hub, for you to connect with YOUR friends and play YOUR favorite games, not be advetised to.
Every festure added to the home page could have been easily added to the Discover (now Charts) page. At this point, the charts page is almost entirely useless.
can my favorites page and the banner switch places? i’d rather see what i actually want to
Continue and Favorites should ALWAYS be first. This is MY home page, why am I seeing what YOU want me to see?
recommended for you makes sense but put it under continue for builderman’s sake
A summary to Roblox Staff: We wouldn’t hate this update if the Home page wasn’t already cluttered and disorganized. Make a new page similar to charts that helps us find games or add toggles to disable some sections.
The home page is only for and is in this order: Friends, recently played, favorites, banner, and maybe friends recently played and a small section for Recommended for you. No need to fill home tab with a ton of games.
Oh god please no. Please no. This sounds like todays pick 3.0. Please do not add this. (there going to add it) People do NOT WANT TO scroll down 3 rows to get to continue/personalized recommendations… Put it on a different page stop clutterer the home page, please…
Its fine how it is now with recommended and continue more pages will DROWN out the recommended and continue games to top tier games basically todays picks 3x times. Please no. Put it somewhere else on the app
If they would continue to make todays picks fair or MOSTLY balanced and further FIX/IMPROVE the recommended algorithm they have a good system like youtube. Throwing 3 rows of todays picks Basically 5 massively large games as the first thing you see when you open the app is INSANE.
Besides having that large of space taken up for ONE GAME is a JOKE. Use picks a few times a week to promote the games not a section for one single game for an entire month…(Players will find it as clutter/useless/stupid/repetitive)
Leave it how it is and improve those algorithms…
“ongoing efforts to improve content discovery” to what? promote the top trending games onto 1/3rd of the home page so their on the top of BOTH home page and continue. I don’t understand?!
Bruh no one realizes that this market strategy (if this will include some non-Roblox staff creators’ games which idk so dont say im stupid for saying this) will help popularize experiences from people and the strategy is kind of smart just in case you stumble across an experience you could be interested in. I’m just saying yall im just saying yall. Don’t criticize me. This could be the reason why favorites and continue category is moving to the bottom of the experience section. (not charts)
If so then very good strategy from Roblox. I don’t really mind this update except that scams can be advertised in this banner which obviously wouldn’t be good so hopefully Roblox will release a not AI/auto moderation thing for this to promote your project on and there should be a 15 or 20 minute cooldown for this each time.
Your kidding me? did You see the post? do you know how todays picks work? They will select the already very popular games as it sounds like the events are also ran by roblox staff implying big games only ALREADY on top trending? You mention “discover new experiences” there not new when there on the top trending page for months?
You’re not wrong but I wish there was a way to customize it. If Roblox put the customization in settings then the children will not think to change it. And make it so if it has parental controls then the parents must change it. The parents won’t know how to customize if roblox hides the settings a little. Meaning maximum advertising to the kids!
I have to sound a little corporate so Roblox understands me.
Some setting toggles such as “Show todays picks” would work.
Ovon your literally right, if the banner just gets filled with very popular experiences instead of not popular experiences that people might actually be interested in, the feature will be absolutely ruined.
That could work if your child is unaware of the bad content on today’s picks but Roblox will most likely just not do anything about it. Very good Parental Controls feature concept though Winter.
No, the toggle setting is useless. No one wants to climb into settings on 5th page of their favorite weekend video game app. Its ROBLOX staff job to align the games it how the masses want.
And in this case I can assume they DO NOT WANT to scroll down 3 rows to get to continue or personalized recommendations? Seeing the same “games” on top row for a month straight will be boring/repetitive?
Ovon, I just also realized this concept Winter gave is kinda useless to some people but for me it could work out but the thing is that we need another concept for this.
Showing different experiences every once in a while. Very good concept and another concept. Moving the settings thing to where the Avatar, Party, More, Charts and Home features are at in the Roblox game app. I know Roblox will just reject these “concepts” more like feature requests as always.
The goal of improving the user experience and expanding opportunities for developer promotion on the platform seems to lie in adding a banner that primarily promotes Roblox-branded events and content, as well as popular experiences? I wouldn’t be surprised if developers of popular projects are required to pay a certain amount to have their experiences featured in this banner, with the amount likely depending on their project’s earnings.
I doubt that less popular projects, which I could actually join, will be featured in this banner, as I typically avoid the mass-market games on the platform.
Instead of developing a truly personalized recommendation system, users will only receive additional advertisements for content that most of them are not interested in and will likely never join. Developers with less successful projects are unlikely to get a chance to be featured in this banner, which will make it even harder for potential players to discover their projects.
It seems that I will have to write a script to hide this interface element in order to achieve a more relevant user experience and clean up the homepage from useless and intrusive sections.
To the people who know about the trash games they will turn off most of the settings. The children and parents may not know what each of the settings may mean so they leave them on. If I don’t wanna see any new games on home page then I should have options to do so. Only the most knowledgeable will know how the settings work.
Very few will find out how to use lol (well thats the goal. Maybe hide it though a series of links that you have to click to turn on and off it).
Kids run roblox on potatos yet give high end computer FPS unlocker in settings. They may do the same for the “small” amount of people who are desperate for turning some sections off. Most are kids, they only want to jump into game and not worry about all the settings about advertising.