Mr_Sdows, I dont know how you actually pronounce it in real life but what you said right now is literally understandable. Roblox will just advertise experiences that are already as popular and has as much interest in which will cause users to be disappointed and if this doesn’t apply to the website version, will just make the users go there daily instead. I just know that Roblox will advertise the already popular experiences. Roblox should realize that they shouldn’t advertise experiences that are already so popular and actually advertise experiences that have little to no popularity that users will be interested in. This platform is so hard to become famous on because of how Roblox advertises their user base’s experiences. This is basically milking the experiences until players are like ‘nah I ain’t gonna play this anymore’ and they will go away from the experience causing it to die out.
Yup. Kids and parents that aren’t engaged in Roblox will not understand the new setting features if it were to become a thing, but pre-teens, teenagers, adults, and kids who are engaging with Roblox properly enough to know what setting features mean will definitely understand these settings.
Hmmmm, change of plans a little. How about instead there are just two settings:
Lower recommended games: This setting will limit the recommended games to only 2 sections instead of 4 sections, the favorite game section will not be buried anymore because all games between continue and favorites will be gone.
Show todays picks: Disables anything roblox picks. I don’t think this will hurt new games since only popular games get picked
These settings could be hard to change, not found in app. There will be a link that takes you to a article talking about the new settings, in the article you have to click another link in the text to get to the URL that changes settings. A little bit hard to get to, but makes desperate players happy.
Ok good concept. Yeah its 9:38 PM for me so goodnight yall.
Just looking at this, please, no.
We don’t need even more clutter on the homepage, especially for stuff that half the platform won’t want to do (I will never touch another roblox event, all the recent ones have been beyond terrible and I dont care about “brand activations”)
And its already bad enough that you have to do some amount of scrolling just to see the continue tab (and if you have a plugin, the favorites tab, else its a lot more scrolling)
A massive problem I think evereyone has with the current homepage is that its just insanely annoying to actually get the games you want and to see things you’d actually want to see.
Todays picks are cool I guess, but I personally never play any of them, and all the “recommended” games are 99% of the time something I’d NEVER play, so that tab is entirely useless but both are placed above the continue tab for some reason.
And, the favorites tab is used to save games you really enjoyed, so why place it all the way at the bottom?
I think an update everyone would enjoy is for the homepage to look like this:
and maybe throw this new feature under the favorites tab as I’d argue its not as important.
This bar is just shoving more stuff that no one wants in a space that should be used for something more useful.
And btw, this isn’t a good solution to terrible ui design at all
It just unnecessarily clutters everything and makes it super confusing. Why should I, as a user, have to go though 40 million steps just to get to something that should be on top of the homepage and easily accessible.
If I’m on roblox, I’m going to want to play something which I played yesterday, not all this random slop roblox is recommending me which isn’t even stuff I’d ever play (because yes your recommendation algorithm sucks, too), so why make finding those games people would actually want, and the games that make these people actually play on roblox, more difficult??
Absolutely right. Ok everyone im going to bed now.
better yet, remove today’s picks AND the banner from the home page, move it to charts
if I wanna discover games, I’LL GO THERE MYSELF
The Recently Visited section on the Search landing page wouldn’t fix the fact favorite games is at the bottom of game spam. The thing the staff suggested only fixed not being able to see only 5 of your most recently played games. Also only a handful of people have the search feature.
Roblox staff be giving solutions that don’t exist for some people yet,
I ran out of likes but would have liked this post
If today’s picks was used for more “indie” games, it’d be best placed on the homepage. Of course, its not, but it does boost the games that are on it quite a bit and wouldn’t have the same effect if it was on the discover page.
I agree it is just clutter, but with a redesign to take up less space, could fit into the homepage.
Still, the main thing with that image I provided was just to move continue to the very top, and favorites just under today’s picks which is under continue.
Correct, again the image I provided was just to move continue and favorites up the top of the homepage, right where they belong, not sure if you picked up on that.
Those 2 tabs should 100% stay and be moved to a much more accessible point, and everything roblox is adding should be placed under.
I saw that, I love your design. Roblox should take inspiration.
I just keep posting the problems of the current layout in hopes one of the staff picks up on whats wrong and why everyone mad, unlikely but gonna keep posting about the issues with current.
Yeah so all in all I think most of us agree this feature should be ONLY FOR EVENTS. And hardly used. Today’s picks is already corrupt. Also give some credit to the recommend section its not that bad you can find good games there.
But please ROBLOX has a HORRIBLE RECORD of*lazy, bad, week let down, trash events. Now were going to have 1/3rd of home page cover this and make it harder to see continue and recommended. Lets hope this is only for short events or almost never used…
It actively recommends me games I have left a dislike on. What kind of a decent algorithm is like “Oh you don’t like this game? We think you’ll like it!”

Terrible “games”:
And any good game I saw was something I had already played, even if that was over 5 years ago.
(Stop it, Slender! got recommended to me)
And that’s my entire recommended section. Games I’ve played, liked or disliked, and then random slop games and those games. Literally nothing good and no way to help the algorithm find what I actually want to find. Even a simple “show less like this” button would be a massive improvement, but at bare minimum the system could at least not recommend games you’ve left a dislike on.
The “recommended” algorithm doesn’t care about what you want, it only cares about what it wants you to want. Take whats popular, what makes money, throw a few random things in it and there it is.
I believe that is a VERY Valid point - if you’ve disliked it - and it still shows up out of millions of games - the system is broken.
It can’t be hard for them to make it a priority in the algorithm to START by NOT including games you as the player had already disliked - and exclude ALL those games before throwing suggested games at you.
Bro to be fair those games are trending for a reason they have decent metrics outside of their click rate. Its impossible not to. Nothing will compare to just destroying the entire algorithm for 2 slots of todays picks. Successfully making it for only the top Developers but ok
Problem is, Roblox values automation more than user input. Even if that automation is immensely flawed.
i agree, i hope this does not become more worse
For my taste, with this banner there is too much Roblox chosen content:
Today’s Picks is already a category that Roblox chooses, this banner is something Roblox chooses, the sponsored category that’s under the continue one is something fixed Roblox displays and these are the biggest tiles on the page, overshadowing the poor favourites category (on the bottom of the page) and the continue category (sandwiched between the other ones).
I am not saying, selecting specific highlights is bad, but it should not be done to this extend and altough I am a big fan of the banner design, I think it would be better to switch between displaying the banner and today’s picks.
If roblox is trying this hard, why not just reinstate User Ads, place an advertising chunk into Charts for said ads, and just use the big banner for special events
If yall at roblox just did that, and dumped these curated things somewhere into charts (preferably below the reserved user ad spaces), we might actually be somewhat happy (this wouldn’t solve the “popularity creep” problem with the curated things, but at least it would give us a chance if the user ads were to function like they used to)
Hmm… where I could find the new curation banner on Home
I’ve tried using Roblox website and App but I thought some users will show this on their accounts
I will get more disappointed. If they plan to advertise popular-experiences, if they do, just mind as well advertise events on the banner.