Text chat appears invisible after the chat box fades out and the chat box is tapped back into on Mobile


This Bug report is about the same issue that has been reported in this old bug report back in 2021, but is still occuring. It seems that the bug and the bug report has been forgotten, even though I replied to the thread multiple times and pinged engineers that I thought do work in this feature but I haven’t received any response yet and the bug is still not fixed. Since it’s an old bug report that might be closed and no longer tracked, I’ve decided to create a new bug report that could properly be assigned to an engineer and supports the new bug reporting flow.

Issue Description:-

When the chat box on Mobile fades out, and is tapped back into, and a message was written in the chat box, the text chat would appear invisible. I’ve noticed that this only happens in TextChatService when the frame rate is low and the device is under load on higher graphics quality levels, while it happens during all conditions on the Legacy Chat System. Though it also used to occur on all conditions on TextChatService before too.

Visual Aid:-

This bug happens consistently and on the latest version of the Roblox Mobile app 2.654.474 (7032fe).



How did this get unnoticed for alog time? Thank that you re-reported

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Yeah, that is what I have thought too. This bug has been around for as long as I can remember. It’s a bit annoying for me besides that keyboard bug when using the chat on Mobile. I really hope this long standing Mobile bug gets fixed. Also, you’re welcome :slight_smile:

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Thank you for making this report. I forwarded this issue to the corresponding team.


I’ve just witnessed this bug happening to me 3 times randomly while my graphics quality level was set at 1-2. The game was Granny and it uses TextChatService, so I guess it can also happen on lower graphics quality levels (with moderate FPS and almost no lag or load), but randomly instead of consistently.

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