The Big Bug Reporting Update

@ZeroCentigrade @gion0015 Request acceptance is quite backlogged atm, so your requests will take several months, see this:


What if someone finds a critical bug, but can’t post it (or nobody looks at it if it’s in Bug-support) because of this system?
I think the way bug reporting is being done is just inherently flawed.

Instead of limiting who can post bug reports, it would make more sense to make an actually invest into making a working spam filter. This could also be used to improve the entire devforum experience.

Or simply focusing on fixing high priority and high demand bugs, and simply acknowledging low priority ones would work just as well i would presume.

Making people just use the old method of Bug-Support is just silly. You’ve just moved the problem. People can still spam, it’s just not gonna be in your precious category.


you know its really easy to get into bug reports or ask someone who’s in it

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If you actually got accepted maybe.
And my point is, just let ppl post bug reports. Without additional hoops to jump through.


EDIT: This reply is outdated, we are accepting join requests to AllowBugReports again!

Outdated reply content

We’re not concerned about “spam”, we’re concerned about volume of bugs in general. Note that the post you are replying to does not make any claim about “spam” or otherwise noise/quality issues with the bug reports.

What we’re trying to achieve is to have a program where if you report a bug, you can be reasonably sure it will be looked at and you’ll see a response. There’s no use in allowing everyone in today and then you have no chance of getting any sort of eyes on your bug report because we don’t have enough resources to look at all the bugs being submitted.

We’re slowly scaling this up so that behind the scenes we can handle more bugs. The past couple weeks we approved a couple hundred people each week into the group, so we’re catching back up. Appreciate your patience!


The volume of bugs does not in- or decrease just because you refuse to acknowledge them. That is what I was saying.

Just employ a couple people who’s job it is to read through bug reports and forward the important ones to your engineers. Then you can:

Just for refrerence, how many new applications did you receive in that same week? And at this pace, approximately how long will it take for you to clear the backlog? Since some people have been waiting for months already.


Yes aware of this, as mentioned in my previous post, thanks. I am referring to volume of bugs in our system.

~50-ish requests, hence “catching back up” in previous post.


Yes I’m aware of this, as mentioned in my previous posts, thanks.

Instead of limiting who can post bug reports, just filter them. Maybe “spam” filter was the wrong word there.

Being aware of bugs that exist would be more important than everyone getting a longwinded answer. Most reasonable people understand that these things take time. As long as someone at least changes the topic’s priority to low.

And at this pace, approximately how long will it take for you to clear the backlog?


Why i dont have bug reporting category ,i dont wanna be wrong category?

How can i send a bug report/feature request and get promoted

I have a huge bug to report which has been in engine for over 6 years. Equiping, unequiping, or swapping tools force TouchEnded and Touched events.

It’s a pretty big engine bug, so I’m hoping that this post can be reposted by staff as a proper bug report…

Touched and TouchEnded events fire on equipment change

Description: When a detector part touches a touch part, equipping, unequipping, or changing equipment causes TouchEnded to fire and then Touched to fire again.

When it started happening: I just noticed this bug 1 hour ago on 2/6/2025 10 PM PST. A quick google search reveals that this bug has existed in the engine for over 6 years [TouchEnded fires when you Equip/Unequip a tool] [Seems like equiping a tool triggers a part's touch ended event] [TouchEnded triggering after unequipping a tool?].


Demo Game: [Touched Equipment Bug - Roblox] I made the game in the video public to edit in studio for your convenience.

Steps to reproduce the issue: Simply walk back and forth through the touch part and you should see print statements triggered for both Touched and TouchedEnded. We see weird behavior when we equip, unequip, or swap tools within the TouchPart.

Other Details: TouchPart (red) was set to CollisionGroup "TouchPart. DetectorPart (blue) was set to CollisionGroup “DetectorPart”. They were setup to only interact with each other, and the workspace property TouchesUseCollisionGroups was set to true.

Simple Detection System…

local RS_DetectorPart = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("DetectorPart") :: Part
local HumanoidRootPart = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") :: Part

local C_DetectorPart = RS_DetectorPart:Clone()
C_DetectorPart.Parent = HumanoidRootPart
C_DetectorPart.WeldConstraint.Part0 = HumanoidRootPart

	print("Touch Began")

	print("Touch Ended")

I would appreciate being included in the bug report group if possible. I will only report critical engine bugs.


Hey there, I see that you requested to join the AllowBugReports group 10 hours ago. You can post this yourself once we reach your join request in the queue, please avoid posting bug reports here. Thanks for your patience!


I have some feedback, suggestions and constructive criticism to share about the Bug Reporting experience in general.

This update is general has made reporting bugs much easier and faster which is appreciated however some of the added additions are still lacking. For example statuses are useless because they’re currently broken; they’re almost always inaccurate and don’t get updated as much.

Resolution speed is still pretty slow, it’s not that much faster. It takes time for most bugs to get a staff acknowledgement post (also for some reason most of my bug reports don’t get a acknowledgement post), and also takes more time for an engineer to respond (that is if even that happened), for the fix to be made, for the fix to be tested and for it to finally roll out. This should be continuously improved, there is still a lot of room for improvements. Some justifications kinda don’t make sense for most conditions.

Some bugs have been reported for many years and still are unresolved. I understand that different bugs are prioritized differently and that upcoming changes or improvements or also removals can solve them but that’s not the case for many like the this one. How is it still unresolved after many many years? How come the backlog for other bugs or features are still not done so this can finally be looked at and fixed? We only recently got the longstanding issue of copy-pasting getting broken by Roblox fixed at 2024 after it being an issue that have been reported for many years. I hope other long-standing issues follow along too and gets fixed, bugs shouldn’t be left unfixed for over 2 years or even a year, that should be the maximum. I understand some issues are complicated to be fixed and some might just automatically be fixed by overhauls, or changes or removals but that’s probably not the case for most long-standing bugs, even if that was, waiting more than 1 or 2 years for that to happen is just ridiculous.

As for communication, it just depends a lot of the engineer. Sometimes, bugs get fixed without an engineer responding at all, sometimes that happens but the engineer don’t notify if a fix in the works or have gotten rolled out. It would be great to have a general procedure for all engineers, to respond in bug reports and notify if a fix is in the works and if it rolls out. Also it would be very useful to notify if the fix got rolled back because of issues arising due to it or for any other issues.

Liking and commenting on posts to help Roblox identify the most disruptive bugs for the community doesn’t always work, we still didn’t get a solution to TextChatService (and it’s related components) performance issues even after 2 years of the issue being reported, or for any further updates to some bug reports like this one.

What I would like to see being improved or added for the Bugs Reporting experience is as follows:-

  1. Accurate and updated statuses, with the possibility of more specific ones being added.
  2. Faster resolution speed that should be reasonable and for bugs especially long-standing ones to actually be fixed, bugs shouldn’t be left unfixed for over 1-2 years.
  3. Better communication, with the possibility of having a general procedure for engineers to follow when dealing with Bug Reports.
  4. Bug prioritization be improved and not be an excuse to not fix or have bugs fixed very very late for many small bugs like UI bugs. If a feature is getting replaced with another one, then that feature should have all of it’s bugs being prioritized to be fixed so they won’t be a problem that didn’t exist in the feature that is to be removed. TextChatService (and it’s related components) bugs are an example in here as it’s going to replace the Legacy Chat System that is going to be removed.
  5. Approving accounts to be able to post Bug Reports should go faster.
  6. Categories and subcategories for Bug Reports should be improved and be more wide and specific.

That’s all I have on my mind,
Thank you for your attention!


What I have seen, people dislike them cuz unfixed things get marked as “Fixed”.
I think there should be community ability to change bug status to “Unfixed” in this case, if enough votes will be received on that.

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Ah thanks. i wasn’t sure if you guys were accepting new applicants so i posted the bug here.

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Thanks for the detailed feedback, we hear you all on the issues mentioned here and we’ll discuss solutions internally.


you guys are still adding members right? because somewhere near the top of this thread it says it was full.

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Yeah, we are accepting requests again and have cleared the backlog (oldest request is now <1 week old).


I have something more specific to say about the chat/social features team on Roblox. I’ll just copy the comment that I have posted on the bug report related to the report button overlapping chat messages on TextChatService.

So in conclusion, the team or whoever handles and/or manages the chat/social features team on Roblox is doing an awful job on it.

Everything that comes from them is disappointing and underwhelming. From bug reports to feature additions, changes and improvements being implemented.

I’ve also noticed that there’s very little communication from this team when it comes to handling bug reports among other responsibilities. One of the worst in quality and lowest in quantity.

Bugs are barely getting fixed and highly requested community feature addition suggestions, changes and improvements are all ignored. Even the ones that were added, were done unsmoothly and aren’t getting the rough edges fixed, even till now.

We’re less than 1 and a half months away from the removal of Legacy Chat System and till yet, literally none of the reported bugs related to TextChatService got addressed. Literally none of them. Most being reported before the announcement of the removal of the Legacy Chat System, and most being year old bugs or even more.

I expected Roblox to take fixing bugs related to TextChatService a high priority now that the legacy Chat System is getting removed, but no, nothing changed at all. This is in addition to trying to address as much uses cases or missing features as possible that were available on the Legacy Chat System, but are missing in TextChatService.

Nothing got done except that we got a half backed, buggy, unfinished release of ChannelTabs and UI gradients.

I really hope to see improvements on here and I hope my feedback gets delivered and reached. This is constructive feedback or criticism, whatever you want to call it, not pure hate.


Thanks for the feedback, I’ll follow up about this class of issues related to text chat internally. I may not be able to report anything specific back here any time soon, but wanted to let you know we saw the feedback and forwarded it internally.