TextChatService now Supports Autocomplete for Emojis and Commands!

I believe this is already usable with the current chat model by using Windows + . (period) to open a similar drop down list on windows devices.


Super glad to see this finally built-in especially for chat commands!! This will be another useful way for us to support our players in opening certain UIs or doing certain actions where there may not always be a button present.

Would be super cool if in the future there was a way to add a little explanation for what each command does for users to see in the TextChatCommand instance.


That’s for good news i will take it because many players are updates to our games, finally get to see new emoji and commands are autocomplete for inspired having accessible has been made to TextChatService it will so much easier for now, it’s great to hear about updates for coming to desktop too!


This is awesome! Now we don’t need a command bar for custom commands. :smile:

Is there any estimate of when this will be released to platforms other than desktop?

And, are there any plans to support parameters for custom commands, quite like Discord’s slash command feature? Command descriptions, too? This would allow developers to add fully-fledged custom commands into their game


Definitely a good chat feature update. Now, it is easier to use emojis on desktop!! I am looking forward to enabling this in my future projects!


Thank you for these! I really think having these will make me want to use Commands now.


Will there be an option for commands to be set as unlisted? There are some commands in my game that I want to use just in case I need them, but I only want them to be seen by me or used by others when troubleshooting an issue.

If I disable them altogether, the command is still available in the auto-complete:

The only sure way right now is to remove the command from TextChatService. It would be nice to make sure that users don’t know about a command so they don’t try to use it.


Woohoo, awesome addition! You did it :tada:


I mean, it should be up to the developer to check whether to run a command if they are trusted or not.

A hacker can pretty easily find all the available commands in a few seconds anyways.


It’s more of an UX thing. If a player can access 5 commands and the owner 40 commands, why should the player be cluttered with all those commands they can’t access?


Great update! It looks a lot like how I designed mine :flushed:
Looking forward to seeing the channel menu as well! (I hope it’s a side bar rather than a top one :pray:)


I already made a similar system like this, and if they’re thinking of doing something like that, that would take quite a while to finish, and I’m not sure if someone can really make that.


Thank You!! When I play on PC, it bugged me when I couldn’t use emojis, and instead, had to copy and paste them.


Thanks for the feedback! Could you specify some prefixes that you are interested in using?

Unfortunately, we cannot give an estimate as there are some technical blockers on the engine-side. This is something we really want to release though!

Thanks for this feedback–it does seem like a bad user experience to see commands that don’t work for them. Will flag this to the team and see how we can address it.


No plans at the moment for parameters insertion support as it is quite a bit of undertaking and we do want to focus on other highly requested improvements to TextChatService. This would be really cool for us to pursue in the future though, so we’ll add it into our backlog. Regarding command descriptions, it may be something we can do as a follow-up if it’s important enough to developers (so keep giving us your feedback!). I’ll follow up with the team to see if it’s something feasible in our current timeline.


Command descriptions under the name would be pretty useful.
Parameters insertion support would make slash command creation a lot easier. For if an event returns a table of arguments, developers won’t have to do certain string methods to get the arguments.

One question I have though, when is the ETA for the channel menu? It would be very useful and devs wouldn’t have to write additional code to switch channels easily.


We can get a quality of life improvement for the whisper command? All to often I find myself trying to whisper someone in game by typing /w followed by the first part of their username, which then autocompletes, leaving some of their username in the whisper message. Trying to backspace the remaining characters will delete the entire whisper prefix.


Maybe you should consider allowing custom prefixes for admin commands?


Great feature! With this, will you be able to use a \ in front of the : character to escape the autocomplete (Which would make the \ invisible similar to how Discord handles it)?

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: and ; come to mind, as they’re used by kohls and he admin respectively, though I’ve also seen ? and ! in places.