TextChatService now Supports Autocomplete for Emojis and Commands!

OH MY GOD thank you this makes things so much more quick :grin:


Could there possibly be a CommandPrefix property of TextChatService that defaults to / and is editable? This seems like the most user friendly way to add in this functionality (in my eyes), rather than having a set list of prefixes. @Clasifex


Very nice addition!

Would it be possible to be able to press tab to select the currently selected emoji in addition to enter? Mostly asking out of habit of pressing tab for autocomplete things.


Very cool feature, now I donā€™t have to press windows + . for the emojie menu haha :smile:

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Finally I wont have to go Windows Key + . whenever trying to add an emoji when chatting.

From my experience using the popup on Windows in realistically only allows you to place like 1 emoji at a time.

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oh my gosh, this is such a great update. good job :+1:

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Discord didnā€™t invent emoji autocompletionā€¦


Hi, thereā€™s a problem with the internals of this service and it seems to have been caused by this update.
If you rename the service before pressing play, it errors and the chat just doesnā€™t show up. (TextChatService is not a member of DataModel)
It seems like internally they reference the service via directly indexing instead of using GetService. Is this able to be fixed? Thanks.

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This is such a fantastic feature, Iā€™ll no longer need to pop open chrome to insert an emoji into search, and then copy + paste it back into chat.

Iā€™m curious if there could be support for custom emojis set by us, developers, using texture ids; very similar to how the ā€˜TextChatCommandā€™ operates, with the ability to toggle the emoji, put the name/alias, and set the texture id to use.

Iā€™ve been trying to create a custom emoji system using the legacy chat, but Iā€™ve had no luck :sob:. I believe this is something that should be implemented if it is possible.


Until they add this, a workaround Iā€™ve found is only using the SecondaryAlias of the command. if it has no PrimaryAlias, it doesnā€™t show up in the autocomplete, but the SecondaryAlias can still be used. Hope this helps!


Will we be able to disable emoji autocomplete while keeping commands? Also, will we be able to use this system to autocomplete things like alternative command systems (i.e. ā€œadmin commandsā€) that may use another prefix such as ;?

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No, because this would change the prefix of all commands, including built-in commands. This property should be settable per-command.


im trying to switch it to be activated by Enter / Retern but it dosnt seem to want to switch and just reverts it back to the last value


Yo thatā€™s crazy and now I donā€™t have to code it!

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This would be a really great addition for us. Support for proper slash command parameters and autocomplete APIs for the parameters would be amazing, and should definitely be considered a higher priority. Obviously, you canā€™t do a lot with a command that has no parameters, which leaves you to make your own system if you need them.

Also can agree with this issue. There is an Enabled property on the TextChatCommand Instance, but toggling it doesnā€™t prevent it from auto-completing, which is what you would expect. Seems like an oversight or bug.

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YES! Finally I can use emojis on desktop. Would be possibly be able to do this in studio too for like adding emojis to text labels without having to copy and paste them maybeā€¦?


This is great! Iā€™m actually glad it feels very similar to Discord. Iā€™ve been using that app for a while and became quite comfortable with it. While there have always been ways to copy emojis into chat on desktop, this update definitely makes it so much simpler since itā€™s now built in. I canā€™t wait to see whatā€™s coming next bro. These little qol updates are really nice, and Iā€™m hoping for similar improvements like this in the future. :+1:

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I was thinking about adding something like this myself, but now I donā€™t have to!

Would it be possible to have autocomplete for command arguments too? For example, a teleport command would autocomplete for players in the server.

It feels like forever ago that I was vocally against TextChatService and adamant to switching over, but the team keeps surprising me with the wonderful updates that it seems silly looking back on it. This is amazing and delivered in such a short timeframe since the last update. Big cheers! :tada: :beers:

Something thatā€™s already been mentioned a few times throughout the thread is custom emoji support and I feel that Iā€™d like to add one more comment to that pile. For my experience, we let users express themselves primarily through chat-based features (lobby chat and message boards) and we are very big on in-house art assets, including a full emoji set for our community.

We did have to remove emojis from our chat when we switched to TextChatService (we originally had them appear as images on playersā€™ heads, then as usable stickers in the Legacy Chat System, and now they can only appear on our custom mesage boards). Super hope we could get the ability to map out custom emojis to have a more homey feel, since improving our socialisation hub is on the radar for our next big update. :slight_smile: