TextChatService now Supports Autocomplete for Emojis and Commands!

So useful for playing any games! Thanks Roblox! :smiley:

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if your on windows use win + . on macos use fn + e

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Make the default prefix an empty string then (in which case autocomplete will use the current behavior of looking at the alias to see if it has a slash).

Though I definitely agree it should be a per-command setting.

Chat channels when? :pensive:

This is my most needed feature

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I do not use classic chat, as I have no use for it. Will these things be added to bubblechat?

I do think arguments in commands, should be a thing as some commands might have arguments and there’s no possible way to do it. I’m still waiting for chat channels, as I suggested, and hopefully they’ll come soon.

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Still waiting for non-user entities to be supported.

Please add so each command have a property named: “Display in Autocomplete”
Cuz I don’t want all the commands to be displayed!!!

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Emoji autocomplete should trigger by typing two non-space characters, not just one.

  • it prevents you from typing emojis such as “:D” or “:)”
  • the chance that you get the emoji you searched for with just one character is low.

Will this update be able to give us a chance to make our own custom emojis for the chat? I’m not sure if anyone had done that before this update was released, but it would be a cool idea.

please fix this

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nevermind i read the post but the need for the command start with “/” is so stupid,
please remove that requirement

and yes i use the textchatcommand instance

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Finally I no longer have to do Windows + .

But @Clasifex
Can someone, please, please do Add something like SpecialKeyPressed to have a UserInputService that would get input in a keyboard layout friendly way

In the topic, you’re mentioning / (Slash).

But the behaviour of the new TextChatService, is utilizing UserInputService.GetStringForKeyCode

There are Keyboard Layouts where Enum.KeyCode.Slash is not represented as /.

The OLD Chat, used a better method to listen for / where it actually would be a / character, and nothing else.

For some reason this issue is only in Studio. Studio doesn’t seem to be listening for the SpecialKeyPress on the new chat. Only on the Roblox Client.

Please fix, to make testing in Studio better :pray:


Why is it stupid for it to start with /?

cuz you cant change it???

You’re misunderstanding.

For me it doesn’t start for /.

It starts with this.

While this is set to its default value. I didn’t change it.

In Studio I have to press -, because for my keyboard language layout, Enum.KeyCode.Slash for me, is represented as the key -. If I press / on my NumPad, it doesn’t focus the chat.

However, in the Roblox Client itself, I can press / and it would open the chat. But not in Studio.

Fact is, it’s still displaying me to press -.


Roblox designed it to be the /. But for me it’s not even displaying the / key. That’s the issue that I am addressing.

Developer’s intention was / but the user gets the “wrong” key, if their keyboard layout is different. It’s the intended behaviour from UserInputService.GetStringForKeyCode. But not what the developer expected.


If Roblox would address this issue, I’d encourage more to use the new TextChatService over the LegacyChat.
Along with it to show the chat log when a user joins.


Makes sense. I made the mistake of commenting without knowing what the topic is about lol.


would be nice if inserting multiple of the same emoji didn’t result in it spitting out an incorrect unicode


It’s because of UserInputService.GetStringForKeyCode

You’re trying to set it to Enter, using game.TextChatService.ChatInputBarConfiguration.KeyboardKeyCode

but it doesn’t work because you get an Error like this:

ChatInputBarConfiguration.KeyboardKeyCode has an unsupported keycode for rendering UI:Enum.KeyCode.Home  -  Client - setUpConfigurationObjects:38

And then it gets set to whatever it was previously set to. Fun fact is Roblox displays “Home” key as a thing that you can select to set the keybind to, but it doesn’t even work.



Great quality of life update! However, please consider adding all TextChatCommands to the list!

  • I have made an admin system that uses the new TextChatService with TextChatCommands, and they all use the : prefix, it would be useful to see any TextChatCommand show up in the list.

This causes an issue because people trying to run the :fly command end up running :flying-saucer: … a bit hilarious because I end up seeing a bunch of people sending UFOs in chat.

  • Additionally, you guys could add a bool property under the TextChatCommand’s instance named something along the lines of “InAutocompleteList” to manage what command shows up in there.

  • Another idea, under the TextChatCommand property maybe you guys could add a Description string property, when it shows in chat it could put a little description on the right of it

Thank you, I’m glad this new chat system is getting a bunch of love!


The team tag when typing a message doesnt scale when the text size for the input bar is changed