Texture/Decal Rotation Feature

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard or troublesome to work with some decals/textures on various parts, such as cylinders or even wedges at times. Often, I will uses custom textures or decals in my map building, and certain decals fit unexpectedly or turned 90 degrees on cylinders. In this case, I will usually have to upload a custom decal twice and wait for approval just to customize an item the way I envision it. I have come to use the plugin “Stravant - MaterialFlip” By Stravant, and that will work well for most parts aside from cylinders, which are not compatible with the plugin. It is primary the cylinder that I have the trouble with. As a suggestion to remedy this situation, It would be a wonderful addition to studio if a decal or texture rotation feature was made officially available.

Example of Cylinder With Decal/Texture:

If Roblox is able to address my issue, it would really improve the speed and efficiency of those that build in this particular style or those who simply want to rotate a decal that is already improved rather than upload a replica of the same decal rotated 90 degrees to the site and waiting for approval. It will personally save me a lot of time and effort. There is obviously quite a few people that use this particular feature as there was a need for the plugin. Quite a few builders I know have had the same interest.


I’d like to add that we also have to use more memory and initial network by using the same decal just rotated because we have no way to rotate decals or textures in game.


As a roblox developer, it is currently impossible to set the orientation of texture objects.

This could open up the possibility to position textures exactly as they need to be placed. Which is useful in a lot of cases.

Here is a use-case example:

Having a “Texture rotation” property or something similar could easily fix this issue.



Bump this back up as this feature would be awesome to have for textures. Would fix a lot of issues I have with adding textures onto objects without having to Union them.


I’m bumping/reviving topic.
Right now I’m being in Studio realizing that I need to redraw the texture just because I can’t rotate it by 45 degrees. That feature would be really helpful because the people who need to rotate some texture in-game should redraw and send the texture to Roblox multiple times.

5 years passed away since first post about that :confused:


Agreed! I was disappointed upon my discovery that texture rotation isn’t an included feature. Hopefully it will be added soon.


roblox pls add now ty

thank you


I’m hitting this as well. I have a texture pattern that is rotated 45° and getting the repetition to work properly is finicky. It would be a lot easier if I could create a straight repeating pattern and rotate it in game.


I’m working on a Path build system like planet coaster and I have the same issue.

If found some way to by pass this problem but I’m not sure about the performances:

  • Union the parts with part:UnionAsync({otherParts, …}). You should call this method on a invisible part with a orientation of 0. So your union will have a orientation of 0. After that put a Texture instance on the part. And change the property offset U and offset V with the X and Y world position

  • Make your own texture system world relative with surface gui. The advantage of that is you dosen’t have to union parts. The problem is I don’t know if surface gui are really performent. But you can also reduce pixel per studs when the camera is far of the part.

If roblox can just add a offset orientaton on the Texture instance that will be sufficiant. But World relative feature can be the best way to make that.

Personaly I’ll test the way with SurfaceGui and I it’s too laggy I’ll have to use Smooth Plastic only and that will be sad.

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I suggest creating a cylinder in Blender and UV Mapping it inside the UV Map editor.

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It’s not working when you want make some specific things

Like me. I making game with build system. So be able to rotate texture will allow me to make more advanced build system.


Amazed that you can’t rotate and offset UVs. Still. 5 Years later.


Actually, you can offset textures, but you can’t rotate them.


Oh yes, my bad! But I would still like to be able to rotate them.

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EVERYBODY wants that ability. This was first requested 5 years ago and it still hasn’t happened.


With EditableMesh and EditableImage

We will finally have some way to do that !!!

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For those looking for the English version of @Florianne10’s links, they are below:


My question is will we be able to use this with MaterialVariants and Textures.

Off Topic

Are you the same Florianne10 that is the head of Windburst Studios that publishes My Prison?

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Yes, I made the Florianne10 who made My Prison.
And I was looking for way to make texture rotation for a new game like My Prison with a more advanced build mode.

I’ve actually played your game. Very well done.


Having this same issue. I hope there’s a proper solution if there isn’t one already that I haven’t found. :pensive: