TGGR | Promotions Guide


The Great Galactic Regime

Promotions Guide

Table of Contents

  1. How to get Promoted in TGGR
  2. Ranks
  3. Group Rules
  4. Contact

[1] | How to get Promoted in TGGR

  • Members can be promoted by attending and doing well in the following group events:
    • Patrols
    • Trainings
    • Combat Practices
    • Defenses
    • Defense Trainings
    • Raids
    • Practice Raids

    Something to keep in mind
    Depending on how long members stay at an event and depending on well they do, they are more likely to be noticed by High Ranks and/or High Command for promotion.


    • TGGR has a cooldown system in place for promotions. When a member has been promoted, they must wait a minimum of one week before being able to receive another promotion.
    • For group events, it is the host’s and/or hosts’ decision to decide if a member is ready for a promotion.
    • For cases such as a High Rank promotion, the approval for a member to become a certain rank must have a 60% agreement by [HC], [LED], and the Empress.

    [2] | Ranks

    Low Ranks | Cadet through [L-5] Master Sergeant
    Low Rank members are able to be promoted by:

    • Attending defenses, raids, trainings, etc. and doing well in them.
    • Showing good activity in the group

    Mid Ranks | [MR] Lieutenant through [MR] Major
    Members are able to be promoted to Mid Ranks by:

    • Attending defenses, raids, trainings, etc. and doing well in them.
    • Showing a capability to lead by leading squads of members in raids or defenses, along with showing competence.

    High Ranks | [HR] Lieutenant Colonel through [HR] General
    Members are able to be promoted to High Ranks by:

    • Attending defenses, raids, trainings, etc. and doing well in them.
    • Showing excellent capability to lead by leading squads of members in raids or defenses, along with showing competence.
    • Frequently hosting group events effectively and keeping group members in the events under control.*

    * = Applies to [MR] Major

    [3] | Group Rules

    Each member (Low Ranks, Mid Ranks, High Ranks, etc.) of TGGR are expected to know and follow each of the group rules listed in the link below:

    TGGR | Group Rules Guide

    [4] | Contact

    For questions, concerns, etc. please contact @ModifiRaven.

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