The Beauty of Verlet Integration - 2D Ragdolls

The Beauty of Verlet Integration

How I created a smooth Ragdoll, with nothing but Guis


One of fanciest if not the most optimal way of simulating physics in physics engines, computer graphics and games is the Verlet Integration. One of the famous 2D Physics engine that goes by the name of Box2D uses this integration. Another physics engine that run in the browser, for example matter.js also uses this magical way of smooth physics simulations.


If you want to learn more about verlet integration, want to make smooth physics simulations using guis or are just curious, then this post is an engrossing adventure for you.

Now to the jewel of this post. What is verlet integration? Verlet is a set of mathematical algorithms used to integrate physics in terms of Newtonā€™s laws of motion. It is mostly used in Computer Graphics and Game Development. It lies around points connected with line segment and realistic motion. Weā€™ll look into the algorithms in a moment, but first Iā€™d like to share why I am making this topic. After all, Roblox isnā€™t made for 2D games that consist of only UI elements, and thatā€™s the reason I have written this for you, to give you sort of an idea and an overlook of how you can simulate physics in roblox using merely guis! @EgoMoose has written a beautiful article for Verlet Integration inclined towards 3D objects, so be sure to check that out if you are more into 3D Verlet Integration than 2D.

I will be covering the fundamentals as well as how I created this ragdoll using only guis and verlet integration:


Creating Attachments - Points

Verlet Integration can be used to create cloth simulations, ragdolls, ropes, swings, rigid bodies and other such physics simulations.

Before diving into how it works and how to code something like this, you must have knowledge about Vectors, Vector math operations, knowledge about basic geometrical and physical terms/quantities.

To begin with Verlet Integration, it is important to know how it works.

Verlet integration works on the basis of points that act as attachments and joints for different line segments. These line segments connect different points to keep uniform distance between two points even when in motion. The beauty of verlet is such that these points and segments can be used to create realistic cloth, rope, ragdolls and other physics simulations.

We can use verlet integration to create custom physics engines.

Now onto the fundamantals. How do we create these points and line segments? How do we connect them?

The answer to all these questions are fairly easy to understand and to apply to your code. Note that weā€™ll be using guis for the rest of this tutorial. Using simple object oriented programming, we can create a Point class.

local Point = {}
Point.__index = Point

function, posY, visible)
    -- creating the UI element for debugging/visualization processes.

	local ellipse ="Frame")
    ellipse.Size =, 5, 0, 5) -- circle of diameter 5
    ellipse.Position =, posX, 0, posY)
    ellipse.BackgoundColor3 =, 1, 0) -- green
    ellipse.Visible = visible 
	ellipse.Parent = canvas -- canvas aka frame that will hold this ellipse
    -- metatable

	local self = setmetatable({
		frame = ellipse, -- our UI element
		oldPos =, posY), -- previous position (Starts with initial position)
		pos =, posY), -- current position
		forces =, 0), -- forces to be applied to the UI element.
		stiff = false, -- should it not move?
	}, Point)
	return self 

function Point:ApplyForce(force)
	self.forces += force

return Point

Previous position and current position are two important vector quantities that we will be using in this tutorial. Previous position would store the position right before movement forces are applied to the point, and the current position changes as we move the point.

We wonā€™t be moving line segments, but only points. Naturally, line segments joining these points will appear as if the segments are moving.

The ApplyForce function is used to apply forces to the UI element, mainly the gravitational force.

Now to simulate this point to be attracted by the ground to simulate a gravitational pull and to apply frictional forces, we can create another function.

function Point:Simulate()
	if not self.stiff then
		local gravity =, .1)
		self:ApplyForce(gravity) -- apply gravitional force
		local velocity = self.pos 
		velocity -= self.oldPos
		velocity += self.forces  
		local friction = .99
		velocity *= friction -- apply frictional force to the velocity
		self.oldPos = self.pos -- set old position before moving the ui element
		self.pos += velocity -- finally moving the ui element
		self.forces *= 0 -- setting forces back to 0 to prevent infinite movement
		self.oldPos = self.pos

We have a simulation function, but when running what we have till now, youā€™ll notice the point just falls down infinitely.

To prevent this from happening, weā€™ll create another function that checks if the point goes past the borders of the screen, if it does, it brings the point back inside and applies a bounce force to it to simulate smooth collisions

local height = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize.Y
local width = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize.X
local bounce = .8 -- bounce force damp value between 0 and 1

function Point:KeepInCanvas()
	local vx = self.pos.x - self.oldPos.x; -- velocity.x
	local vy = self.pos.y - self.oldPos.y; -- velocity.y
	if self.pos.y > height then -- if it crosses the bottom edge
		self.pos =, height) -- adjust position 
		self.oldPos =, self.pos.y + vy * bounce) -- apply bounce force
	elseif self.pos.y < 0 then -- if it crosses the top edge
		self.pos =, 0) 
		self.oldPos =, self.pos.y - vy * bounce)
	if self.pos.x < 0 then -- if it crosses the left edge
		self.pos =, self.pos.y) 
		self.oldPos = + vx * bounce, self.oldPos.y)
	elseif self.pos.x > width then -- if it crosses the right edge
		self.pos =, self.pos.y) 
		self.oldPos = - vx * bounce, self.oldPos.y)

Cool we have everything setup. Now to render this point every frame, weā€™ll run a function every RenderStepped, which does nothing but sets the UI elementā€™s position to self.pos and run the KeepInCanvas function!

function Point:Draw()
	self.frame.Position =, self.pos.x, 0, self.pos.y) -- this is optional and only for debugging purposes.

Note, that rendering points isnā€™t needed at all as it may give rise to performance issues, I like to use it for debugging processes only.

Creating Segments

We just created points. Soā€¦ Why not connect these points with segments to form polygons? To do this, weā€™ll create another class! The constructor takes in a few arguments. The first 2 being point 1 and point 2. The segment will be connected to these 2 points

local Segment = {}
Segment.__index = Segment

function, p2, visible, th)
	local self = setmetatable({
		frame = line(0, 0, 0, 0, canvas, th), -- line segment's UI element
		point1 = p1,
		point2 = p2, 
		length = (p2.pos - p1.pos).magnitude, -- minimum length possible
		visible = visible, 
		th = th or 4 -- thickness
	}, Segment)
	return self	

return Segment

You might have noticed the line() function that I wrote there. That function will be used to render the line segment on the screen.

The math behind it, is fairly simple. Just find the angle between the two points, then, rotate and position the frame correctly!

local function draw(hyp, origin, thickness, parent, l) 
	local line = l or"Frame")
	line.Name = "line"
	line.AnchorPoint =, .5)
	line.Size =, hyp, 0, thickness or 1)
	line.BackgroundColor3 =,1,1)
	line.BorderSizePixel = 0
	line.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(origin.x, origin.y)
	line.ZIndex = 1
	line.Parent = parent
	return line

function line(originx, originy, endpointx, endpointy, parent, thickness, lineToUpdate)
	local origin = {
		x = originx,
		y = originy
	local endpoint = {
		x = endpointx,
		y = endpointy
	local adj = (, origin.y) -, origin.y)).magnitude
	local opp = (, origin.y) -, endpoint.y)).magnitude
	local hyp = math.sqrt(adj^2 + opp^2)
	local line = lineToUpdate and draw(hyp, origin, thickness, parent, lineToUpdate) or draw(hyp, origin, thickness, parent)		
	local mid = + endpoint.x)/2, (origin.y + endpoint.y)/2)
	local theta = math.atan2(origin.y - endpoint.y, origin.x - endpoint.x)
	theta /= math.pi
	theta *= 180
	line.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(mid.x, mid.y)
	line.Rotation = theta
	return line

Weā€™ll mostly use this in our code. origin and endpoint parameters will be the two points which the line segment will be connected to. The lineToUpdate parameter is the frame, and we are just updating the position and rotation of the frame. This method is basically reusing frames that we initialized and updating them accordingly.

To Render this UI element every frame, we do the same thing we did for Points, but use the line() function!

function Segment:Draw()
	if self.visible then -- if visible, create a line!
		line(self.point1.pos.x, self.point1.pos.y, self.point2.pos.x, self.point2.pos.y, script.Parent.Parent.Canvas,, self.frame)

This function reuses self.frame and updates the UI element!

But, as our points move, we should keep a constant distance between the points! So weā€™ll create another function that does this job.

function Segment:Simulate()
	local currentLength = (self.point2.pos - self.point1.pos).magnitude -- length of the segment
	local lengthDifference = self.length - currentLength -- difference of minimum length and currentlength
	local offsetPercent = (lengthDifference / currentLength) / 2 -- offset
	local direction = self.point2.pos 
	direction -= self.point1.pos 
	direction *= offsetPercent -- direction to pull the point back to maintain constant length
	if not self.point1.stiff then
		self.point1.pos -= direction -- updating point's position
	if not self.point2.stiff then
		self.point2.pos += direction -- updating point's position

We have our attachments and segments ready to render now! So lets try making a Box that moves according to your mouse location and bounces off the edges!

Making a bouncy box

Weā€™ll now use our Points and Segments to create a Box that clings to your cursor when you hold it and bounces off the edges! In this part of the tutorial, weā€™ll create something the following:

This is nothing but 4 points connected with line segments :wink:

Sooo, lets start with initialization of how our box would look! Here, weā€™ll store the segments and points in a table. Weā€™ll keep the points visible for visualization.

local Segment = require(
local Point = require(

local points = {}
local segments = {}

function Setup()
   -- four corners of the box
   local topLeft =, 300, true)
   local topRight =, 300, true)
   local bottomLeft =, 350, true)
   local bottomRight =, 350, true)
   points = { topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight }
   -- segments of the box

   local leftEdge =, bottomLeft, true)
   local topEdge =, topRight, true)
   local rightEdge =, bottomRight, true)
   local bottomEdge =, bottomRight, true)


When, weā€™ll make these points movable, youā€™ll notice the box will just collapse. To prevent this from happening, weā€™ll join the Top left corner with the bottom right. This line segment is a ā€œSupport Beamā€ and gives the box durability to not collapse. You can make it invisible, but for debugging processes weā€™ll render it.

local support =, bottomRight, true)

Lets run this, Andā€¦

Hmm? Thereā€™s nothing on the screen? Youā€™ll notice that we never really rendered the elements using :Draw(), so the points and segments remain at their initial position which in our case was 0, 0!

So lets render these points and lines every frame!

function Render()
   for timeStep = 1, 6 do
       for _, point in ipairs(points) do
            point:Simulate() -- simulation

   for _, segment in ipairs(segments) do
  		segment:Simulate() -- simulate segments

   for _, point in ipairs(points) do
		point:Draw() -- rendering on screen
   for _, segment in ipairs(segments) do
     	segment:Draw() -- rendering on screen

We use a TimeStep loop here, timesteps are used to render something multiple times in a given time frame. Here we simulate the position of the segment 6 times in a time frame!

Now, lets run this!

Amazing! The points are visible in green, you can also see the support beam. The points uniformly fall down due to our segments pulling them to keep constant distance between the points!

Selecting points and moving them around on the screen is fairly simple using UserInputService, so I wonā€™t be covering that. When you implement selection of points, youā€™ll notice a smooth and realistic movement of the box on the screen, with the act of gravitational forces on the points and the beauty of Verlet integration you get this result:

If it feels to bobbly, you can add another support beam which connects the topright corner and bottom left corner of the box:

Looks great to me! You can play around with points and segments to create other kinds of quadrilaterals and even polygons with more or less than 4 sides!

How I made the Ragdoll

I made this post to explain to you all, how I made the ragdoll I showcased towards the beginning of the tutorial along with the fundamentals of Verlet Integration. So far, you must have got the gist of how magical Verlet Integration can be.

Making a ragdoll was fairly simple. I used the same Points and Segments I used to make the box above! But with just a few more points and segments to make it look like a Human Ragdoll!

Firstly, something I forgot to explain above, How do OBB Collisions in Verlet Integration work? ā€œI didnā€™t see you code them?ā€, this is what many of you would say. But the thing is, Verlet Integration itself handles them for me! And technically fakes OBB Collisions!

Hereā€™s how:

When a point collides with the edges of the screen, a bounce force is applied to it. Which naturally causes a change in its position and the line segmentā€™s position! Hence, faking OBB Collisions when rendering!

Now, to the next point. How exactly did I connect the points to make it look like a human? Hereā€™s a rig of all the joints (points) and bones (segments)!

Yeah, I know they are the most perfectly straight lines ever seen.

Thatā€™s just the basic Idea of how the Rig of the Ragdoll looks behind the scenes with the Support Beams. Its a combination of quadrilaterals and free rope like limbs!

Then, using UserInputService I make the points selectable and draggable! Verlet Integration is super cool and flexible that it does the job of realistic movement of the ragdoll (which isnā€™t an active ragdoll) so smoothly with the basic algorithm that I discussed above in the post!!

Hereā€™s the ragdoll in action:

If you would like to take a glimpse at the code behind this ragdoll, feel free to view it and edit it! It can be found in the placefile below:

Verlet Integration - Ragdoll.rbxl (35.1 KB)


Not only are these ragdolls fun to control and play around but also fun to make! I would love to see your own versions/edits of the ragdolls! If you do make one or make something different with Verlet Integration, be sure to show it to others in the replies below! I hope this post about Verlet Integration helped you out in some way. Iā€™ll update this topics with a few more tweaks and information. If you would like to read more about Verlet Integration and the deep mathematical equations, donā€™t forget to check out this wikipedia page!

If you want to just have fun playing with the ragdoll, you can do so here:

Thatā€™s it from me today,

Update Log

  • In the tutorial, I mentioned that the length parameter of the Segment is the minimum possible length of the Segment, thatā€™s incorrect, as in the code we try to keep the segmentā€™s length constant. So itā€™ll be referred to as the Maximum length of the segment.
  • TimeStep has to be used to render the points rather than the segments.

Iā€™d love to answer your queries, so donā€™t hesitate to share them! If you have suggestions or insights about your experiences or mistakes in this tutorial, please do correct me!

A correction to the Segment length part:

In the tutorial, I mentioned that the length parameter of the Segment is the minimum possible length of the Segment, thatā€™s incorrect, as in the code we try to keep the segmentā€™s length constant. So itā€™ll be referred to as the Maximum length of the segment.

P.S. Made an update log

1 Like

I really like to see the progress on the 2d development, great tutorial

1 Like

I made a little simulation of a cloth using Verlet Integration for you all to refer to.

There are grids of points (fibers), connected with line segments and a random point is chosen each frame to which a random wind force is applied.

Pretty cool isnā€™t it?

Hereā€™s the placefile:
cloth.rbxl (34.4 KB)


This is great :+1:!

Itā€™s amazing to see the platform used for more than just 3D with help from amazing community members!


Wow, you must be really passionate about 2D game development! This really does push the boundaries of the Roblox platform! Time to integrate this into one of my experiences :smiling_imp:

Thatā€™s the reason I am here! :grin:

Good luck!


i donā€™t have any questionsā€¦ Or i haveā€¦ How u understand this? I just canā€™t understand it, i think my brain is just smol for thisā€¦

No worries at all! As you progress, youā€™ll get familiar with the math behind verlet integration. Having strong math concepts help a lot in development, and this is one case! Good luck!


Im try make my own version of this to UNDERSTAND THIS. I just canā€™t keep it in my head and all properties and metatables(and i need learn OOP and Metatables yes. And MORE information to make thisā€¦)

Thanks! Im just really smol kid, but idk, i try to make my own version, and start i from learn OOP and metatables and some things too.

1 Like

Hello! I have a question:
What means that?
(when u do function line)


Adjacent, opposite, and hypotenuse are the sides of a right triangle. Adjacent and opposite are based on which angle you are measuring. Theta (Īø) is the angle of the triangle.

The midpoint is halfway between the end point and the start point.


my segments just get broken(and points too)
i try to full copypaste your code and problem donā€™t be solvedā€¦

Copy pasting code wonā€™t help you learn. Instead try understanding whatā€™s happening in each line of the code. If you stumble upon something you canā€™t understand. You could possibly double check the post, refer to the uncopylocked place or share your queries with me!

im check every stroke and donā€™t find reasons, or my brain just died because for me is 00:17

hi, itā€™s me, i fix that bug, i do (lengthDifference - currentLength) / 2 when it need to be (lengthDifference / currentLength) / 2

and it work good, but if i try create box itā€™s just do weird things, i think it because points have infinite bounce and just do up and again down infinetly, should it do this?

Can you share your code in my DMs, and possibly share a video footage of how the box moves on the screen?

u can write me in discord ZER0PSS#4390

Nice job!

Note thereā€™s actually a bug here, your segments only get time stepped once, not 6 times, because theyā€™re inserted into the wrong place.
