The Devforum has a problem with toxcicity

On the developer forum, I find that the mods are not taking action against toxic people. For example, one person friended me on discord, called my GFX “dog shit”, called me racial slurs, and sent me an NSFW image. Later he tried to IP grab me. I won’t mention his username because of callouts, but this guy is well known in the GFX community and is currently making loads of cash from GFX. So, I flagged his portfolio and sent the proof. What happened to him? NOTHING!
This happened with another person too, who claimed that he had a patent on the name of my game, and kept insisting that I couldn’t make the game since it was “under a patent”. Later he admitted that he didn’t have a patent, but the Devforum mods did not do anything about him either.
If there is such lax moderation on two people who were clearly breaking devforum rules, are they even moderating people?
EDIT: The majority of the talk was on the devforum, not discord, so please stop saying that the devengagementteam cannot handle things on discord.


That is something for the Trust & Safety team of Discord to handle, not Developer Engagement…


He did insult me in DMs of the devforums too though. So if it was in the devforum messages, then Developer Engagement should be responsible for this right?

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Then you should flag the DM and moderators will be able to see it.

Exactly what I did. They did not do anything.


Then just wait. Do not create drama, please. Just flag the post and wait, is all you can do.


I am not creating drama because I am not calling out anybody. I flagged the post 3 weeks ago. Does it usually take them that long?


Hey, its a BIG, BIG, world. Quite a few flags would be coming in everyday, and discord isn’t even moderated by the devforum. Crazy people do crazy stuff.

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It started on the devforum, but then went to discord. But the things both of them did on the devforum were worthy of being flagged by the rule of being respectful.


This is why I don’t use discord

Roblox does not generally take action on things that happened offsite, especially things via Discord and Twitter. For example, they aren’t sure if this guy is actually the person you flagged; in addition, you could have doctored the images.

I have noticed some toxicity on controversial topics like the Tommy Tallarico post and the Roblox China post, but… that’s off-topic, so we won’t go there.


I also don’t use discord because if you’re looking for commissions there it’s not under Roblox’s direct authority so they won’t be able to do as much as you would be able to do if everything happened over the devforum.


Most of the things he did WERE ON DEVFORUM. The only thing he did on discord was sending NSFW

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Same with the other person. That was 100% on the devforum (the patent thing.)

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I reported someone, but then also got warned for defending myself back by saying a mild insult, so atleast you know sometimes they do something…

Same. I called the guy an idiot for saying my GFX is “dog shit” and I got flagged.


Just report it, the moderators won’t answer you so quickly.

They didn’t answer in 3 weeks.

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You reported it as “Something else”?, as the forum has an auto-automatic system.

I reported it as inappropriate.

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Bringing it to the forum isn’t going to do you any good, rather it’ll cause more issues. Anything that happens off the forum will make it harder to control, hence the lack of help. Please also understand that there are over 100k+ users on the forum, and every day there are a bunch of flags. They’ll get to it when they can.

Rather than ranting over how people are toxic, bring in solutions on how to avoid it. Describe where you are encountering/seeing it and describe how it should be fixed. DET will look at this and take it for consideration, not a rant.

If you continue to face issues with another user, DM the @DevEngagementTeam your issue and they’ll decribe the next steps to fixing the issue - if any.