The Future of Creator Documentation - Docs Site Beta

This seems like a welcomed change and though it is a big task to migrate the entire DevHub to an entirely new site and design, I think it’ll be extremely useful when it is finished.

I suppose the main concern I have is whether the development and maintenance of this site will mean that the failure of updates to the Talent Hub that we’ve been seeing will continue and despite the complaints about the Talent Hub, Roblox will still do nothing about it.

I was told directly by the Product Manager of the Talent Hub in OCTOBER 2021 that they are working on increasing the character limit in posts and experience and working on an image upload system. Six months later these changes have still not been implemented and I haven’t even heard any word about them. For something that’s “pretty high up on the priority list”, I’d at least expect some word on how it’s going six months after being high on the list.


Did you forget what platform you’re on?


I rather liked this sidebar in the old Documentation, I hope the extra space under the sidebar in the new Documentation would incorporate this, since it helps sort the vast number of classes.

Also, the positioning and sizing of elements is quite sloppy. There’s too much space in between elements (text, images) and it is inconsistent at times.

This notice box should remain colored to highlight it’s importance.

[quote=“DanTDM_Rocks999, post:65, topic:1746047, full:true”]

I rather liked this sidebar in the old Documentation, I hope the extra space under the sidebar in the new Documentation would reincorporate this, since it helps sort the vast number of classes.

Also, the positioning and sizing of elements is quite sloppy. There’s too much space in between elements (text, images) and it is inconsistent at times.

This notice box should remain colored to highlight it’s importance.

I would also prefer if the descriptions of properties were simply dropdown boxes under the actual documentation:


Well, it’s definitely only a very early untested release with the uncountable amount of bugs there are, but that’s to be expected from Roblox these days.

All the bugs, missing elements, and general day one issues aside, it looks rather polished visually and whenever it becomes on par with the current docs site functionality wise I daresay it might end up being even better.

(Obligatory “I don’t have high hopes” however)

Just curious, will the Education Hub be updated as well?

So… dark mode devhub with mobile bugs. Alright cool, just fix the mobile gui.

As for the first page here, looks more attractive for new devs to come along and start developing. Looks good so far!

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This is really cool! Given that I have to constantly look at API documentation, this is going to be super helpful for me.

Think we might be missing an ‘Audio’ tab here?

Edit: On a side note, really great to have RollOffMode explained in more detail. And dark mode is awesome as well :+1:

I get that many people like dark mode, but could you please also add support for light mode? Working with this in daylight hurts my eyes


I really like this change, but I have one favor: Please do not delete the DevHub until Docs Site is out of beta! Bugs are being found and already have been posted on this thread, so Roblox, please take your time and fix them instead of rushing the release of this website which is what happened with the Talent Hub.

I would also appreciate it if Roblox reads and acknowledges our concerns regarding this update. I would recommend engineers read posts such as this important one that addresses several key issues.

Keep up the great work, Roblox :roblox_light:


Same… if I were deploying a new documentation website I’d at least run some sort of automation to check for the kind of formatting errors shown below.

Unterminated inline code block

I like that you guys are trying to improve your docs.

but open source docs when? Even with the new documentation, there’s still many potentially valuable tidbits dropped by engineers every so often, and these things are almost never documented.
(i.e floor material is calculated every step when listened to, and not when accessing regularly, valuable information about how streaming enabled works internally) and plenty of other things that show up from time to time.

Additionally, many new features and changes take a long time to get added, and many code samples on the API encourage the use of deprecated functions and some of them (such as the ‘CFrame Math Operations’ article) look like they haven’t been touched in years.

However, if the documentation were to be open-sourced these necessary changes could be audited in by the community without the maintainers having to use a bunch of time doing it themselves, it’d just need to be factually checked.

I apologize if this is an ignorant take and the downsides of open-sourcing these docs outweigh the benefits, but to my understanding they do not.


I liked the old docs better. This one isn’t as good. It’s harder to navigate and it’s harder to get to the docs I want to go to. I’d prefer the old docs. Unnecessary change.


Is the better search option broken?

It’s not a change, it’s a beta test. It’s not finished.

For the engineers:

I feel like it makes more sense for the boxes to be clickable, instead of having to click “Learn More”.


Most of what we currently see is likely final as with many other ‘betas’ in the past, it’s worth voicing your opinion on it, whether it’s in beta or not.


Also, worth noting that the old DevHub will no longer be updated with new API members which makes this ‘beta’ more of a live change that they are calling a ‘beta’ despite the fact that they are already abandoning the alternative.


Bit disappointed that (as usual) any bug report / feature request category won’t allow anyone without the currently unobtainable regular role from posting.

Especially in cases with major updates like this, I usually have to resort to DM’ing a staff member just to have my opinion heard. Would be nice if there was some-way for non-regulars to voice their opinion without just having to hope an admin comes across their reply on this topic.


It’s beautiful.

Loading for many pages on the site is almost instant, which is great for obvious reasons.

Looking up an API reference, the way code samples appear at the top above the properties & functions gives them more prominence and makes them easier to find, as they usually provide what I’m looking for.

The new code blocks also look amazing, and using Fira Mono as the code font is definitely a plus, as I find it easier to read than the old Courier New.
But the lighter background and lighter text than the previous (dark mode) code blocks makes them a bit more eye-straining to read.

Old code blocks

New code blocks

The new search system certainly has a better UI, and it’s great at bringing up relevant tutorials if you search for a specific class, but I also found it’s less tolerant with misspellings.

Old search system brings up the misspelled result

New search system does not

The dropdown buttons for expanding "Inherited from " properties & functions are really nice as well, and being hidden by default makes it easier to scroll past them if they’re not what you’re looking for.


I am a bit disappointed with this update, many UI and UX issues are present like in the Talent Hub. I don’t know whether Roblox is listening to feedback or not but it’s clear that the UI is taking too much space for no reason. The UI is also showing so much unnecessary information that could’ve been optional (like click to expend). I also prefer the centered UI as on wide monitors it’s difficult to read the information because you have to look to the left so much. Otherwise it’s nice.


I have found a problem.

In the yellow bar that under code it should to be “Scripts”


I feel a bit targetted. (/s, thanks for giving us a better place to read developer documentation)