The Future of Creator Documentation - Docs Site Beta

Not sure whether this really fits in feature requests or bug reports, but the documentation on comments needs to be updated to reflect nested comment blocks.



For reference, a virtually unlimited number of equal signs can be used and will terminate the block at the correct line.


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Why wonā€™t Roblox produce new sites with light theme options? Itā€™s not inclusive.


Ew, this is unsightly. Who greenlit this design? Even by conventional web design standards, this is bad. Spacing on everything is bad. Everything looks the same. Harder to find information. Poorly organized. The only ā€œwinā€ here is the dark theme.


Iā€™m going to hope/assume we can use the bug reports mega-thread to report minor things for this considering this is now officially out in Beta.

Roblox Studio by far has the best documentation I have ever used for game engines. Iā€™ve tried Unreal and Unity, but they are much harder to learn from. Good on ya roblox employees for making it even better!

It looks a fine update, its just methods but still.

I noticed the latest release notes (521) have been posted on the Dev Hub, and I havenā€™t found a similar page on the Docs Site. Are there plans to migrate the release notes to a new site?


Quite literally - thank god for this, searching on the page was absolute hell for me and this just makes it much easier, the UI is also way more accessible and god damn these code snippet windows

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Also, Iā€™m not entirely sure if someone had said this prior to my post but it would be awesome if you guys dropped an application for mobile users just like the developer forum.

Screenshot_20220408-115339_One UI Home


Will you be accepting user contributions to document rarely-used APIs at any point in the future?

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Bye bye, DevHub! I kinda feel sad bc the dev hub will be gone. Itā€™s been here for a long time. Farewell DevHub!
Time to move on to another generation of the DevHub.

theres one flaw with this documentation and developer siteā€¦

there is no light modeā€¦

real big flaw if you ask me


All cool and good, butā€¦ light mode where?

Seriously, forced dark mode is not acceptable. Reading a lot of white text on dark background is harder compared to black text on white background. And itā€™s not even my opinion - itā€™s a fact.

Or just Google ā€œis it easier to read white on black or black on whiteā€.


It seems like the website is missing proper dark mode styling. The native elements are still styled in light mode such as the scrollbars.

Using this in the header will tell the OS that the website prefers a dark color scheme.

<meta name="color-scheme" content="dark">

If there is ever a light mode that automatically is enabled based on the OS theme, the tag can be updated to:

<meta name="color-scheme" content="dark light">


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If they do add a light mode, I really hope they add it properly by using a CSS media query to check (prefers-color-scheme: light) and change the CSS variables to that of light mode so its all automatic.


Not sure is anyone said something like this, but would it be possible to make the text that links to a deprecated class appear with a -strikethrough-, a grey-ish text, a deprecated symbol next to it or something like that in the API page? So that way players at least get some form of an idea that itā€™s no longer intended in new work without having to click on it to see the deprecated message.

Other than that, itā€™s honestly not that terribly bad so far for a beta (at least, on desktop), and itā€™s easier on my eyes.

Itā€™s good to see that you guys are revamping the docs! Dark mode is definitely one of the features I wanted but couldnā€™t get from the Developer Hub. I hope you fix the styling, padding, overlaps, etc cause it doesnā€™t look that great right now :laughing:

Looks cool and all, but as some people have already said, the new docs (and by extension, the creator dashboard and talent hub) needs light mode. Having it be automatically dark mode with no setting to change it at all makes it difficult to use for some people (myself included), therefore making the site much less usable / accessible.

And apparently only ā€œregularsā€ (most of whom are ā€œlong time usersā€ who prefer dark mode) can post in the place where weā€™re supposed to send suggestions, so woohoo! Much, much less likely for me to be able to effectively learn Roblox Studio in the future, I guess!


The search feature is awesome really needed it.

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Hey all,

Wanted to provide a quick update, as weā€™ve just rolled out some new features and bugfixes:

Bugs fixed:

  • Scroll position now resets when moving between Engine API pages
  • Tags for other Classes are now always clickable
  • Content doesnā€™t get cut off on mobile
  • Homepage on mobile now has a sidebar
  • Multiple browser scroll bars no longer appear
  • Various text and layout bugfixes

Features added:

  • Engine Class API types and syntax is styled to Luau instead of C++ (rest coming soon)
  • Left and right navigations stick to the page as you scroll
  • Engine Libraries now include summaries
  • Browser tab shows the page youā€™re on
  • Searching for specific API members is slightly easier

Please keep the feedback coming, itā€™s extremely helpful! In particular, weā€™re still polishing and improving the Luau-focused types and syntax as we go forward. Feedback helps us prioritize, and itā€™s great to know how everyoneā€™s getting on with the new Docs Site.

Youā€™ll see comments in this thread that reported things which are now directly resolved in the list above, so giving feedback has a material impact on the product!