The future of immersive communication on Roblox

Genuinely wondering how these things get greenlit at this point. There are so many other things that could’ve been done with the time and money spent here, but you went and added calling to the platform. Calling. Something that only like a dozen people have probably ever asked for. Ever.

Okay, crazy concept: I don’t think anyone wanted ROBLOX, the thing most known as a GAMES PLATFORM, to have this. While obviously most Roblox users probably wouldn’t use this, I feel like Roblox investors wouldn’t care for this either - really, what investor looked at Roblox as it is currently and said “That company’s platform is great, but I sure wish I could call people on it. Then I’d invest into it for sure!”

If I wanted to call someone I knew on Roblox, you know what I’d do? I’d use Discord. So riddle me this: Why did you implement this on Roblox when you already own a Discord competitor in the form of Guilded? This is something that belongs on there, not on Roblox.

This brings me to another, much larger point: Many things that are being added lately just do not belong on Roblox at all. You want Roblox to be seen as more than just a games platform. But the way you’ve been going about it just isn’t working at all, and I’m SHOCKED you’re still doing it.

You can try to change what people view your site as all you want, but as long as you don’t actually try to change the reason why people use your platform, then you’re stuck with the label the Internet has given you: as a kids games platform. You’ve kinda managed this with 17+ games, but that’s about it.

Adding new features like this to Roblox as it is currently, while useful to a small handful, isn’t something a majority of people want or will use. And doing this over and over and over again like you have just causes unnecessary feature creep and massive infighting with the community about what should and shouldn’t be on the platform.

Instead of sticking to your core values or actually trying to do something new, you instead insist on these compromises, these half steps that only complicates things and further divides you and the people that use your products. So either start actually acting like Roblox and move these wacky experiments to different platforms, or go all-in and actually rebrand your platform and image. You can’t do both, as all that does is alienate people on all sides.

And one last thing: Features like these require you to pump more money into things that might not (or in this case will not) earn you the money invested back. This has made me think of something: are you guys really about to lose one billion dollars in a year because of stuff like this? Your earnings reports show that this might genuinely happen. Seriously, imagine THAT headline.


Nah not even, i don’t think theive done anything with the 17+ games to change that label. Right now all 17+ games are just showcases of a singular mature theme and nothing more mainly because 17+ games are more like 13++ games but require a government issued id.


This is why I said kinda. It did definitely bring more of a highlight that Roblox is for all ages rather than just a specific age range (for a moment anyway), but from what I’ve seen nobody really talks about 17+ games at all anymore besides On Tap.


That moment when you want control over shaders, or an advanced build mode akin to blender (which is OS), and instead find Roblox is spending their resources fleshing out communication that’s already been gutted for an audience who won’t use this feature anyways

Let’s also remind ourselves this is the sort of feature that is unrequested, and largely untested as far as the game industry is concerned. Personal/group calls? Why when discord has the market. Why at all- unless to increase portfolio/asset value for the company to be acquired

Also doesn’t this take away from the Guilded scene (if there even is one?)

Pretty premature, and seems like a gamble to me


Ultimately the teams themselves have the tools to triage, prioritise and assess what has or is pulling real value to the platform, and our feedback is a factor but not the deciding point. Judging by the mass of replies and the common point held between them, it’s a head scratcher to me that you’d say that it’s “not the issue”. It’s not a strict dichotomy of right and wrong.

I don’t disagree that I would like to see better support for existing avatar features or bugs getting fixed, but the point of that section you quoted is about the supposed implication in the developer community that working on Roblox Connect is delaying other features/areas of the platform (e.g. physics, scripting, moderation), which is just untrue.

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This is utterly useless. Its extremely disappointing that Roblox just continues to waste their development time on stockholders. Nobody asked for this, it is not needed. If we ever wanted to call somebody we would use Discord, or you know a phone? I don’t understand who in their right mind would want to call somebody on Roblox, especially considering its being recorded and moderated. Personally, I don’t care if its not being “permanently stored” or is “encrypted”, the simple fact that calls are being recorded is already a huge turn away. Not to mention we are also being moderated. It makes sense for public voice chats to be recorded, but not calls.

Uselessness and privacy concerns aside, how was this even released in the first place? How does Roblox always somehow release features in the worst ways possible? Does anyone even test these features before releasing them? How is there no way of disabling this feature? Are you seriously telling us that nobody thought about the fact that maybe some people don’t want to receive phone calls? On top of that, who thought it would be a great idea to teleport users out of the game/experience they are currently in for a call? I don’t understand why we as developers, would ever want to enable this. It is extremely disruptive and will cause users to leave our game/experience.

Maybe Roblox, instead of focusing on this useless feature you can pay some attention to VoiceChatService? It has been neglected ever since it was released. Will we ever get an API update for VoiceChatService? When will we be able to remove the mute/umute button from the top of the players head? When will we be able to control when voice chat is allowed to be used? I don’t understand why this unwanted calling feature is being prioritized over improving VoiceChatService. VoiceChatService isn’t the only feature neglected like this. A lot of features are released unfinished and left to rot.

But of course Roblox you’re going to ignore our cries, just like you always do. It’s true that there are some good features here and there. But whenever it comes down to features such as this, which are either unwanted, useless, or just downright poorly designed you turn into a brick wall and become hellbent on pushing its release. Especially, when the feature is trying to push the “metaverse” idea. As much as we want to support you Roblox, you sometimes make it very difficult.


so the official way to mute calling is just to unfriend people? i dont want to get called but i also dont want to unfriend people, there should just be a do not disturb feature or a way to disable

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in all seriousness i kinda love this for the novelty of it, nobody’s gonna use it and it’s pretty buggy but i’m also worried about it potentially being pretty invasive since another friend screenshotted me calling them and it appeared as if it was an actual phone call

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I’m having a hard time understanding the value proposition here - if I’m looking to communicate with a friend, why would I use a bloated, battery-hungry gaming app that records, moderates and stores my every word indefinitely instead of using any one of the countless lightweight, straightforward and/or more powerful voice/video calling solutions that I already have at my disposal?

Roblox is optimized to be a great gaming platform. Trying to shoehorn everything but the kitchen sink into it is an embarrassing waste of money that degrades the user experience.


Roblox has never been a gaming platform; its been a platform for user generated virtual worlds. The addition of calling to roblox means that in the future when this feature is improved we can use it for buisness meetings and stay our as our avatars.

There are different teams on roblox working on different projects. There is most likely still work being done on the VoiceChatService API that is seperate from this awesome new feature. Also roblox has always been a metaverse; becuase as Wikipedia defines a metaverse as " In colloquial usage, a metaverse is a network of 3D virtual worlds focused on social and economic connection." Roblox being a metaverse is not a new thing and its not going away ever.


Beautiful rant, nicely done. I love what you wrote.


man y’all are pressed over nothing lmao i think this is sick

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did you ever figure it out? I can’t seem to get it


This feels rushed, no option to disable it whatsoever, why?
Also when are we getting VC API?


Roblox is a game platform. You cant take one look at it beyond vary surface level info and come to a different conclusion.
Having an end goal isnt the line between “game” and “social experience”. You wouldnt look at animal crossing or something as a “social experience”
Even then saying it was never a gaming platform is a straight up lie considering they used to advertise themselves AS a gaming platform


imagine some simulators with this vc stuff or some 17+ games

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Roblox is multiplayer by default and you can easily hang out with your friends or random people from around the world. Animal Crossing is single player by default and forces you to meet people in person or pay for an online subscription to play it multiplayer , has a “campaign” where you upgrade your house and/or upgrade the town. Animal crossing is therefore not a social experince but rather a game.

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I wouldnt call my own game a social experience, its multiplayer, it has no big end goal, but theres more to it then that.
Its just a simple game where you fight and try to get the most kills. A simple pvp game.
Its not just the existence of an goal that defines a game.
Sure theres emotes and you can still use the chat.
But theres still a game to be played. The act of it being on roblox doesnt just make it a social experience like you seemingly think it does.

And before you think about saying that the pvp is the end goal what avout bloxfruits? Or are you just gonna pull out some random reason for why thats a “social experience” but mine is a game


I’m sorry but who asked for this,

Waste of time, money, and company recourses, Typical.

I mean how hard is it to just think of a feature that pleases both users, developers, and investors


I entirely agree, especially with what you said here;

Its honestly crazy how much Roblox “Pumps and dumps” features that initially have incredible amounts of potential, then send those exact same recourses working on said feature straight to a new one such as this, what a waste!