The Last Days - a new post apocalyptic, massively open-world game*

This is an exceptionally beautiful map, I have not seen something this amazing on the platform for a long time, hope this turns into a fully functional game one day I would love to play this also the performance has been great for me :heart:

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Thank you for the continued support guys, I’ve added in interiors to several buildings and looking to finish all the interiors next week. :slight_smile:

Unions and Meshes decrease the lag and performance percentage. Another thing for loading the game with less issues and problems is adding a loading screen which you optinized for ateast a average pc to load for. Could help on visitor/player view. Other than that because I have seen a previous post of yours a month or earlier, pretty good so far and worth the visit and players! :wink:

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From experience meshes are always the best way to go instead of unions, unions have lead to visual glitches at points, errors on Roblox’s side with loading them and bad performance if the game is heavily reliant on a lot of unions.


I agree with your words, I just mentioned unions as another solution to reducing lag if not with meshes.


this is truly beautiful, i totally forgot about mod abilities after the first view i got, i literally walked around the whole map slowly and calmly with that music for 20 minutes, enjoyed every moment of it, even without gameplay.a great piece of art and i’m looking forward to the finished gameplay!


I love all of the details on this game! It looks so great, I can’t even imagine how long it took to make this game! This is truly a cool creation, the only thing I see a little bit buggy is the motion blur when turning your camera, it’s choppy. Either than that I really love this creation! The amount of stuff in this game is surprising how it isn’t lagging at all, like look at all of this!

Truly, I love this project, good job.

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Looks really good. Great work. :+1:


Thank you for your feedback :slight_smile:

Given that the post has been ‘bumped’, I have since turned off shadow mapping and shadows entirely and the game now runs completely smooth at 10 graphics. Once more of the map is loaded in, it’ll lag a bit. At level seven graphics it runs completely smooth.

I have also been working on the interiors! I am not going for a detailed interior (to prevent lag.) Here are a few of them :




That looks gorgeous! The attention to detail is on point, not much to say here but It looks fantastic.

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I love all of your details! Sadly “Bookstore”'s picture didn’t load in…

Hey Amazing Work The Lighting And the Display looks sick. Two things I would take away though is that it sounds like a rain forest. You can here constantly chirping and crows and when you play for long enough it kinda because a bug. Also The buildings have this texture on the roofs and it does not fit that much tbh I think the texture is being used to much. But all round Pretty sick game I hope it becomes a extraordinary piece of work.

after spending more time in the game, I noticed ram usage going way up, and looking into it saw this was from textures. You might want to try reducing the size of them by compressing and/or reducing resolution, and using the same texture for more things. In case you don’t know how to check memory usage, open the developer console and go to memory, from there you can see all the textures and how much memory each is using. The max amount I was able to get the textures to use was about 640 MB, but that was more than half of the ram roblox was using (1011 MB).

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Thank you for your feedback. You won’t be able to go on most roofs/see them as the zooming out will have a maximum zoom out distance. Regarding the ambient sound, what exactly is the bug?

Thank you, I am still in the process of optimizing the game so this advise will help me a lot.

Looks fantastic. Only suggestions i have for the current state of the map is less or optional ambient audio. Some sort of LOD or toggle for some textures so lower-end PCs can handle it. Some textures were “Z-fighting” in other words they were overlapping causing a flickering effect, not bad, just can be annoying to see if you are up close. Looks like it will be a fun game though.

  • Park ranger cheps
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This is among the most promising work I’ve seen in a long time. I can’t wait to see how the full game turns out. Best wishes!

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Sorry But You Completely Misread That I Was Just Trying To Say It Was Really Annoying As It Can Be Constantly Heard

The map are pretty nice. I’d love to play that game.
Will the cars be added and can be drive?

Also about that title of “The Last Days” is a movie that I’ve watched, and is mostly probably have copyright.

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A selection of vehicles (humvees, cars, vans etc) will be available to drive.

Thank you for informing about the copyright, I’ll look into it

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