The Volumetric Sounds Beta is Here

This is a massive change for games like ER:LC and other games with police cars and tons of other sound effects moving around your world, Plus you already know its a good update when it already has 80+ freaking likes after 11 minutes of the post being published


Does this apply to assemblies as well? Since the largest part is like 2048x2048x2048 is it possible to have a collection of parts within a model to apply a sound to for larger maps? Or would a custom solution need to be utilized?


this is amazing!! i’d love to see some uses for this, games are gonna feel a lot more alive now!!


This is something that has been on my wish list of features for a long time now. Great to see yet another major improvement to development on the platform has arrived!


Volumetric sounds is a game changer for sure! I’ve always wanted this feature. I have waterfalls in my game and this will make the sounds and the player experience much more realistic. Can’t wait to utilise volumetric sounds for other environmental settings. :grin:

This would be great for crashing ocean waves, background noises for different rooms in a single building…etc


This is great! I’ve always thought it should be this way.

Will it be possible to have multiple objects emit the same ambient sound? This feature is great, but not every city is a perfect rectangle. For example we might want to place identical sound emitters along a long winding river, but currently this results in ugly sound overlap and volume seams.


Yes, yes, YES, and YESSS. This will be so useful!


I’m assuming yes, but if we parent sounds to an attachment do the sounds act just like before?
Other than that, updates that allow for simple stuff without scripting is always welcomed

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Seems really cool, I can’t wait to implement this into my game. :+1:

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Much needed update! Will be excited to get to use this in some of my games!

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Just insert a sound into SoundService, it will play no matter where you are on the map.


Another great feature to audio on Roblox! Can’t wait to use this in my projects!

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FINALLY, I have wanted something like this for so long! Thank you many times over Roblox.

This sounds absolutely beautiful, thank you for this. :slightly_smiling_face:

is this a studio-only beta at the moment or will this be live in experience? super cool!

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Yes; attachments are treated as a single-point, so they should sound the same as before


This is amazing! for sure helps create a more realistic environment, though i feel like using a part seems a bit extreme (considering all the extra useless properties such as Color,Transparency,Reflectance etc, which aren’t super useful for sound zones), do you guys ever plan on adding an instance type for “sound zones”? so we don’t have to use a part for it?

Not saying that volumetric sounds shouldn’t work on parts, rather that there could be another instance to better organize sounds within an experience.


(I’m out of office so I can’t check for myself in studio)

How does this affect verticality? My main use case is in games that have multiple floors, where it makes no sense for adjacent floors to hear the sounds emanating from eachother.

I’d really love to see this ability added.


I’m going to assume with attachments it will stay the same for now

Woah! I love this. But for older games that intentionally wanted the old behavior, would it be possible for them to keep it or no?