THIS brilliant PLUGIN is the BEST plugin on roblox

its honestly sad to see how roblox forces poor developers to act. Do you think I want to act this way? NO I dont. But I have to! Just look at how my previous post did: Garbage!

To clarify you may see the big “41” or whatever number is on the link, but that is not an accurate reflection of how the plugin actually preformed. I only got 2 sales.

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I completely understand your struggles of getting noticed on Roblox as a fellow small developer, I think that putting on a fake persona as you say you are here will bring you a lot more hate than sales. Although you say the other strategy didn’t get you many sales (you deserve more than 2 whatt) I found it much more respectable. You seemed farm more professional and trustworthy in that one, maybe even someone I would trust to buy a plugin from. As I said before, your approach now makes you seem as though you may scam me. I want to buy a product because I find the features appealing, not because the creator is telling me about how great it is. To be honest, your plugin seems quite appealing, and if it had some more features I may have considered buying it, but the way you described it in your post scared me away.

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I was emotional before and I want you to thank you for helping me become more rational. My behavior was completely unacceptable and even if I only got 2 sales it is NOT okay for me to act this way. I want to formally apologize to not only you but all the other users who have interacted with this post. I’ve taken proactive steps for the better as I’ve updated my replies and the post itself.

I’d love to hear your feedback on what you think of the changes. Again, I’m sorry for the previous disruption.

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The changes you have made make you and your plugin a lot more trustworthy. If you reference these plugins: Rain Module + Plugin and [Plugin] AutoScale Lite for GUIs - Scale your UI, you’ll see how the creators kept it concise, professional, and informational. They got a LOT of sales, and I think you definitely could too! I’m glad to see developers like you taking people’s feedback into consideration and I hope your developer career takes off. Cheers!


Well they are both free plugins that got lucky. I dont really see a main difference from those posts and my old post:

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Yep, being free definetly helps and luck has to play into it too, I was just pointing out how professional they seemed. Here’s a plugin that isn’t free, but got a lot of attention from the devforum: Atmos - professional skyboxes and lighting. I think your old post is already quite good, but maybe you can add even more to it; add more screenshots, pros and cons, maybe a rebuttal to the argument that there are so many free alternatives since that is a common concern (what features makes your plugin so much better?). I completely understand your frustration and I think that if you keep at it, you’ll definitely find success like the posts I showed you!


Thank you I really appreciate that! It means a lot to hear that from another person as creations usually go unappreciated!

the last time i ever saw u was talking about another different plugin and you linked it and you literally reviewed it yourself a fake review talking good about it

Very cool. Not much else to say. Although i’m too poor to afford it right now.

i’m not sure what you mean but please stay on topic! Make sure the dicussion revolves around the current plugin only!

I’m glad you think its cool! I worked hard to get the task manager working! I’m sorry to hear you cant afford it!

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I want to thank you again for saying my post is cool. It means a lot!

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