Timeless | Ranking Guide & Staff Info


This document explains the Timeless ranking system, rank duties of staff, and expectations. The purpose of this document is to act as a resource for members when they have questions, concerns, and to serve as a study guide when preparing for interviews/applications to become a staff member at Timeless. Links to other documents are on the Official Information Hub. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns that extend outside of the resources provided, then please shoot me a message on ROBLOX or Discord.


In order to be ranked…

  • You must be in the group

  • You must be in the group discord

  • You must meet the requirement described below for each rank

  • You must request your rank in the #rank-requests channel on discord, stating your username and the rank you’re requesting. (MODELS AND ALLIED REPS HAVE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS BELOW)

  • You must have your wins added at the mall by the host of the event. This usually is done right after the event (MODELS ONLY)

  • You must record your wins by using this format: (host), (time), (date), (event)
    ex. awesomerebeccachen, 7pm, TKC, March 29th 2019 (MODELS ONLY)

  • You must send what you recorded for each win when requesting your rank in the #rank-requests channel on discord (MODELS ONLY)

  • You must state the group you’re representing (ALLIED REPS ONLY)



[1] Customers:

Rank achieved upon joining the group

[2] Timeless Beginner Models:

Rank achieved upon accumulation of 3 wins

[3] Timeless Role Model:

Rank achieved upon achieving accumulation of 10 wins

[4] Timeless Esteemed Model:

Rank achieved upon achieving accumulation of 15 wins

[5] Timeless Platinum Model:

Rank achieved upon achieving accumulation of 25 wins

[6] Timeless Showcase Model:

Rank achieved upon achieving accumulation of 45 wins. Models in this rank will be qualified to APPLY to be featured in the seasonal showcase and receive benefits. Details will be revealed when the season starts.

[7] Timeless Legends:

Rank achieved by one boy and one girl each season who received the most wins. Both will be automatically featured in the seasonal showcase and receive benefits. Details will be revealed when the season starts.

[8] Allied Representatives:

Rank achieved by no more than 3 representatives sent by our allies. There must be a representative in the discord and group in order to ally with Timeless. If you’re interested in forming an alliance with Timeless, then see alliance document for more info.

[9] Timeless Influentials:

Rank achieved by former staff members of Timeless who have worked here for at least 4+ months, and were not fired for serious disciplinary problems.


[10] Timeless Creations Team:

Rank achieved through creations team applications. This is the only rank that is paid normally in Timeless.

GFX artists must make 3+ GFXs for the group monthly. Opportunities to make GFX for the group are posted on the gfx-announcements. They will receive 1-3 special orders for the seasonal showcase by a VP+ seasonally, they must be completed 2 days before the showcase in order to be paid and credited. Ex. Logos, Thumbnails, Icons, & etc.

Clothing designers must upload 4+ clothing to the group store monthly. They will receive 1-3 special orders for the seasonal showcase by the VP+ seasonally, they must be completed 2 days before the showcase.

[11] Interns:

Achieved through interviews and/or applications. Interns will spectate events, assist the host (answering !help requests, playing music, and etc), and cohost (can only cohost a event if he/she passed the even training). Interns must pass all event trainings before ranking up. They must cohost at least 2 times per week, and achieve 3+ pts. If an intern does not complete all event trainings within 2 weeks, then they’ll be demoted.


[12] Management Team:

Achieved by ranking up from Interns. Management Team will monitor the mall, assist visitors, and certain other tasks given specifically. They will also host/cohost events. Must host at least 2 times a week, and achieve 3 + pts.

[13] Executive Team:

Achieved by ranking up from Management Team. Executive team will monitor the mall, assist visitors, and certain other tasks given specifically. They will also host/co-host events. Must host at least 2 times a week, and achieve 3+ pts.

[14] Officers of Operations:

Achieved by ranking up from Executive Team. Officers of Operations will make sure everything is running smoothly, basically like a monitor for the server. They will also host/cohost events, and co-host event trainings. Must host at least 2 times a week, and achieve 3+ pts. They will also start to take on certain/specific administrative tasks.

[15] Chief Operating Officers:
Achieved by being ranking up from Officers Of Operations. They’ll take on more administrative and management responsibilities, including helping manage our allies, host event trainings, and planning big events along with VP+. They will also host 3+ events, and achieve 4+ pts.

[16] Vice President of Timeless

Achieved by ranking up from Chief Operating Officers. They’ll take on a full administrative and leadership role, manage the staff, big events, and all group functions.

[17] President of Timeless

Can’t be achieved unless you’re the owner!

[18] Proprietor

Can’t be achieved unless you’re the account holder!


To become a staff member at Timeless, you must pass interviews or applications. They will usually be done once a month during the first weekend of each month, but there may be special exceptions from time to time (especially for Creations Team). The rank that you’ll get if you pass interviews/applications is Intern for those not applying for Creations Team, and you must work your way up. Timeless will never, and does not plan to do applications for higher ranks because we believe through this method, the best staff will come out on top.

To become Creations Team, there’s a different system. Applications for Creations Team will be open quite often, and if you pass them you’ll be ranked Creations Team when applications end. The application link will always be on discord.

Upon acceptance, you’ll will receive all materials that you need in order to become a successful staff member. You’re required to read all the information we give you in the staff announcements (ct-announcements for the creations team), which includes an explanation on how to get points, a spreadsheet, a submission form, discord protocols, how GFX opportunities get posted, and more.

Timeless has very high expectations when hiring, we only accept the best, and sometimes acceptance rates for a round of applications and interviews can be below 5%. There are certain requirements that you must meet before you can become a staff member. Note that if you do not meet one of these, you are not qualified to become a staff member. If you apply/get interviewed, you’ll be automatically failed.


  • You must have a good reputation within the ROBLOX community, this means that we will not be accepting scammers, trollers, hackers, and etc
  • You cannot apply/get interviewed on your alt
  • Your account must be at least 1 month old


The staff will also have a 3 warning system, but with some differences. If you fail to meet your expectations, be active, or break the rules, then you’ll be given a warning. On the second warning, you’ll be given a one step demotion. On the third warning, you’ll be fired and demoted back to your model rank. Warnings will be given every Sunday night during promotions and demotions.

For the creations team, there is a slight difference. You’ll not be demoted on your second warning. Instead you’ll be demoted back to your model rank on your third warning, similar to the normal staff warnings system.

Will you still be allowed to apply/get interviewed again after you’re fired/quit?

Yes! If you think that you have learned from your mistakes, or think your able to handle this job again, you’re strongly encouraged to come back. However, you’ll be starting at the Intern rank and making your way back up again.


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