Tiny Town Tycoon - A New City Simulator!

Hey there dev community, I worked a lot on this new game of mine and I’m excited to share it!

Tiny Town Tycoon is a city simulator, inspired by games like SimCity and Tropico, although it is definitely more limited in its scope than those big games.

In this game, you create a city from the ground up, adding houses, offices, hair salons, parks, and roads where cars drive around!

As you build, you will be challenged to keep your citizens happy. If they aren’t happy enough, no one new will move in to fill the houses you build.

Here are a couple of screenshots:


Looks great keep it up in future projects/updates.


Really great game potential!
I like the game concept but unfortunately, City Tycoon has done a better job at executing the process of starting up a city.

Here are some pros and cons to sum this up.

-The game buildings look great
-There are many interactions in the game and it’s very editable
-The happiness system works fine (Almost)

-The road doesn’t need to exist for the city to progress and does not interfere with citizens happiness
-it is very hard to build in this game, where you cannot place multiple buildings instead of going back and forth. [Only applicable on roads]
-You can easily become rich in this game “Might not be a problem for some people”.
-The economy is unbalanced, as an example I will be presenting these two “Income” stores:
Town Business costs 750$ but brings in 250$ which will profit me in 3 “Tax Rounds”

but “Shop” on the other hand costs 10,000$ but brings in 1,000$ which can be profited after 10 "Tax Rounds

Let us come back to “Town Business” where we can spend only 3,000$ to buy 4 buildings and earn 1,000$ per Tax round which we can profit the amount we spent in only 3 rounds instead of 10!

This will give us no motive in progressing in the game furthermore not enjoy doing anything in it as we will not achieve something special.

There might be more cons that I haven’t discovered yet or just didn’t remember. but just make sure the Pros overcomes the Cons next time you release a game because I can for sure say that this game is not ready and needs a lot of testing, patching, and such things before being released.

Don’t give up on the improvement progress! I really enjoy playing Simcity and I am sure I will enjoy this too just as soon as it’s complete!


Interesting points, JaeThi, thanks for the feedback

“The road doesn’t need to exist” - that’s correct, although you will see if you don’t have enough roads your citizens will become unhappy because of higher commute times.

“Cannot place multiple buildings like roads” - you actually can move your mouse to place long stretches of roads. There is an informational GUI That comes up when you’re placing a road that explains how to do this.

“You can easily become rich” - interesting - easily? The average time it takes to become rich and beat the game is about 4 and a half hours. Do you consider that too easy?

What you call “unbalanced” was actually done on purpose. The idea is that yes, you can spam 5-6 town businesses instead of 1 shop, but that will take up more space and as you progress to the end of the game you will need all the space you can get to fit in your apartments and office buildings. So you will likely find yourself destroying old small income buildings to fit in the new ones.

That’s a great addition, but still, people will just place roads at the end of the map and form a farm in the middle.

I know you can stretch out roads, I meant buildings like residence and stores.
Which reminds me you might need a detector for roads to make crossroads or a turn whenever it detects a close road nearby, but that’s not necessary since the cars actually turn which is so cool!

I actually DO think 4 hours is easy, but if you intend to make the game to be ended that’s your choice because it’s your game you know. but it would be really cool if the game didn’t have an end so people can become creative and enjoy the game and stay for a very long time and maybe give them a reason to come daily. IDK just giving some ideas.

Sure, I do understand if that’s what you were aiming for in the game, but it will not encourage people
to even enjoy the game itself so I wouldn’t say this game can last if it ends in 4 hours.

I think your idea is really cool too, even if it was meant to be a short game.
Good job @TheGreat_Scott

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Thanks, appreciate it
Interesting okay - I was thinking that given the amount of content, 4-5 hours seemed like a normal gameplay time, that’s interesting to hear you consider it easy/short.

“it would be really cool if the game didn’t have an end”
Well currently, you can just keep playing in your city if you choose to, without an end, so I’m not sure how I would make the game better to serve the unending/creative builders?

If you’ve got specific ideas about how to better balance the game, hit me with em. It’s a difficult part of the gameplay design for sure.

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I like the way you made the skyscrapers, one is the sears tower and a skinny chrysler building and a spiral One world trade center, its just great


I can’t believe I never thought about making this. This looks perfectly executed and I love it, great job dude!

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Thank you all for the great and constructive feedback, especially @UnitPeka!

I took the last week and transformed a TON of the game.

The biggest thing I did this week:

I created 8 unique maps, each with its own custom land, challenge, and building that unlocks when you reach the map. (So you unlock the Fire Station when you reach the “Arson” map, and then going forward you now have access to the Fire Station to build in your cities)

I’ve balanced out all of the buildings JaeThi mentioned - so now everything “makes sense” in terms of upgrading to more costly buildings, and they add more value per $.

Income used to be very basic - just keep spamming buildings for more money. Now, you’ll need to get enough workers to create a Business and the services your people need will cost you money!


I also made the happiness system more dynamic and involved - instead of just requiring a building of a certain type, you need to get a certain level of coverage for your city’s needs. For example, a restaurant covers 100 citizens, so if your city has 350 people, and you only have 3 restaurants, they will start to get a little grumpy about not having enough restaurants.

And finally, I added new disasters including buildings catching fire!!

So thanks, again, for the feedback! Without it, I wouldn’t have gotten the spark that inspired me to spend this week transforming this game into, what I think, is now a richer and engaging experience.


Looks great! I’m looking forward to any other future updates on this. Honestly this game is so underrated and deserves so much more attention.

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Amazing game dude!! Good Job :slight_smile:

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An update for those who gave feedback,
The game is doing GREAT!!! Thanks so much for trying it out early and giving feedback.
:smile: :smile: :smile: Just hit 1 million visits and the game had over 1,100 players online yesterday!!

I’ve created an ongoing changelog here: Tiny Town Tycoon - Guide & Info
If you’re interested in what’s changed since you last played


epic game dood! epic game! wow it has 1k players that’s cool good fer u

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Hey all, an update on this game for y’all

It’s doing great!!!
This week, Tiny Town made it onto the “Most Engaging” sort :astonished::blush:
And it just passed 4 million plays!!! Thanks for all the support :heart:

I made some big changes in the past month, including adding a personal “Family” you can manage and dress up, as well as new radio stations for music + a game pass to customize your own DJ playlist that others in your server can listen to.

I also added a bunch of new buildings, like new wonders (White House, Empire State Building, One World Trade Center), airports, trains, boats that move around the water, and drive-able cars!
I think there was more but…I can’t remember it all right now. :laughing:

New thumbnail!

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I really like the concept but something I saw looking at this screenshot.

The nuclear plant thing and the building with the textures just stand out as the rest of the buildings are in a low poly style. Overall nice game!

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Isn’t this a game that somebody lets you copy and you just reskin? Sorry if I am wrong but I see this exact game (usually with different GUI) constantly

Very cool! Congratulations on 4 million visits! I love the effort put into this!

The layout is very nice and organized, and it’s pretty easy to build. I love the “Stuck?” feature. The GUIs look nice. I LOVE the cars. Keep up the great work!

Here are some of my suggestions:

  • When you’re placing a building, you should have an arrow that shows where the front of the building faces because it’s sometimes very hard to tell.

  • When you click on the sidewalks/roads, there should be an option to expand its length.

  • The GUI that pops up when you complete objectives or when citizens move into your city looks very plain. It’s just a black box compared to the round and colorful buttons displayed on the sides of your screen.

  • There should be some system of clouds depending on the weather (ex. greyer skies when raining)

  • Add a multi-select feature; it’s very tedious when you’re trying to move/destroy multiple objects.

Again, keep it up!

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I looks so nice! Keep it and don’t give up!

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how do i get workers?
im abit confused on that

I’m pretty sure your citizens find jobs themselves when you build businesses.