Toggle Block Comment
A simple plugin that allows you to quickly toggle comments around the text you have selected with a keyboard shortcutSupport My Work
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Source Code
local StudioService = game:GetService("StudioService")
local ScriptEditorService = game:GetService("ScriptEditorService")
local pluginAction = plugin:CreatePluginAction("ToggleBlockComment", "Toggle Block Comment", "Toggle selection block commenting")
if StudioService.ActiveScript == nil then return end
local scriptDocument = ScriptEditorService:FindScriptDocument(StudioService.ActiveScript)
if scriptDocument == nil then return end
if scriptDocument:HasSelectedText() == false then return end
local text = scriptDocument:GetSelectedText()
local startLine, startCharacter = scriptDocument:GetSelectionStart()
local endLine, endCharacter = scriptDocument:GetSelectionEnd()
local cursorLine, cursorCharacter, anchorLine, anchorCharacter = scriptDocument:GetSelection()
local curserlarger = cursorLine > anchorLine or cursorLine == anchorLine and cursorCharacter > anchorCharacter
local shiftSelection = if cursorLine == anchorLine then 6 else 2
if text:sub(1, 4) == "--[[" and text:sub(-2, -1) == "]]" then
if curserlarger then cursorCharacter -= shiftSelection else anchorCharacter -= shiftSelection end
scriptDocument:EditTextAsync(text:sub(5, -3), startLine, startCharacter, endLine, endCharacter)
if curserlarger then cursorCharacter += shiftSelection else anchorCharacter += shiftSelection end
scriptDocument:EditTextAsync("--[[" .. text .. "]]", startLine, startCharacter, endLine, endCharacter)
scriptDocument:RequestSetSelectionAsync(cursorLine, cursorCharacter, anchorLine, anchorCharacter)
Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
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