Tommy Tallarico Sound Design Kit Now Available

To be quite honest, it’s cool that this sound packs out and all, but it just seems like a way to cover up the fact that the oof sound’s getting deprecated… Plus it isn’t even an important developer update, rather just an ad for some SFX maker. Please don’t put advertisements in the announcements, there are other places for that


Seriously? Why do this?

The “oof!” sound is how Roblox got even more popular in 2018 with memes. Removing the “oof!” sound might cause a lot of players to quit.


This reads like the writer has a gun to their head but funny nonetheless. Obviously not Roblox’s idea but a number of people pointing out how ridiculous this is are missing the point that Roblox don’t care if people actually buy it, only that they have fulfilled their part of an agreement.


Damn I kinda don’t care. Don’t advertise Tommy’s work here. This isn’t an update.


Didn’t you guys had drama with him before and now you wanna partner with him and give us ads about his thing? How is this considered an announcement of importance? Not only that but he was planning on doing DMCA reports on you for an “oof” sound you legally got why are you promoting him now all of an sudden? I’m sorry to come off rude but this is complete nonsense all of sudden. He literally was attacking your platform with copyright reports, I am not gonna use his sound kits and why are you promoting this, also this is like gonna cost so much robux if I wanted to upload these, just put these on the Audio Marketplace. I am not spending an dime on this.


lolling at the image you posted. There is like thousands of reuploads of the oof asset. I wonder if they’re planning on removing them. I don’t think anyone is going to pay 100 robux to use an oof sound when they can look at the very large collection that are free.

Also I thought roblox said they own OOF’s copyright…?



Why are you promoting his work to us? This isn’t an update this is just advertising please reconsider what you call “updates” besides the Oof sound removal that’s so pointless.


Why are you asking us to financially support the dude who tried suing Roblox and then shamed them while throwing a twitter tantrum for months?

Was this post required by a legal settlement? It feels like Tommy bullied Roblox into posting this.


Why would you remove iconic Oof sound? Just for Tommy to advertise his sound design kit not only that he was attacking your platform before. This isn’t someone who should represent you.


Like others, I am outraged by this. Tommy Tallarico had a childish fight over Twitter with Roblox developers, including calling them ‘pissy kids’ and other rude comments. Does Roblox corporate seriously expect us to financially support this guy?

This is nothing less than an advert (perhaps forced, perhaps paid) in a category meant for important updates about the platform, relevant to developers.


While I wouldn’t call him a ‘loser’ for protecting his intellectual property, there are thousands of SFX makers on their own platform that would be better to advertise (though advertising still isn’t good) than Tommy Tallarico.


but currently there are a ton of “oof” sounds and alteration in pitches on the sound library right now


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Why are you asking us to support some guy who tried to sue your platform for the Oof sound and now trying to throw us ads to give him money for sounds. I ain’t paying this dude an damn dime for his work.


Is this website becoming pay to develop now?
The developer marketplace was already bad enough.
And the fact how your advertising using the OFFICAL roblox account is too far.
You know these changes are going to start breaking games, right?
Edit: Is this a joke now? First people have to spend at least $10 to get the audio pack, then they have to spend their own robux to upload it? I’m losing all hope in future ROBLOX updates now.

Also, ROBLOX, can you please reconsider the developer marketplace?
I don’t want to spend 50 robux just to play one audio in a game, I don’t want to spend 25 robux for a “scripted” model thats full of backdoors. And now, You’re advertising in the wrong section and on the wrong account.


Wait, you have to pay for the sounds, THEN you have to pay to UPLOAD THE SOUNDS? This is ridiculous, I wouldn’t give this guy a dime. These sounds should be uploaded by Roblox for everyone to use for free.


Even though of the new kits for sounds, this is just overall stupid. Tommy had a super unprofessional bash with you in Twitter, and now you advertise him in #updates:announcements??? Just pay the man the oof sound and let’s carry on with our lives.


Well, just make sure the sound files don’t get rejected by moderation on top of other things.

At first I thought we would be able to use these SFX for free but I am (we all are) very disappointed

The website also seems sketchy…

Outrageous, just deleted this Thread :rofl: save yourself from embarrassment!

It is hard to see what the majority have in mind so I propose that we use a poll for providing accurate and reliable information

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  • I like this announcement

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This is the person who tried, to SUE Roblox. I’m not giving a single dollar to this unprofessional and immature person.


Imagine people quitting roblox over a death sound.

Jokes aside, I like the idea of having paid assets come to roblox. Epic Games and Unity both have marketplaces where you can pay for assets. I can’t wait for them to expand the marketplace so more developers can sell their assets for Cash / Robux. I see this as an absolute win.

Also to the people complaining about the Oof Sound. Sorry but that’s just how the law works. It sucks but you gotta deal with it. It is what it is.