Tommy Tallarico Sound Design Kit Now Available

Jeez this whole thing seems very haphazard and messy. I like the idea of some of this like allowing devs to customize sounds more and providing them but this execution is awful and in my opinion, scummy.

I’m happy the oof sound is being kept in some capacity but just resorting to your audience to buy it themselves just seems low, no matter the price.

Having to just download a bunch of sounds then upload them to the site is extremely inefficient. This method would just flood the site with the same sounds (this is already a problem). How would you keep track of people who purchased?

It’s painfully obvious this whole thing is part of the settlement rather than an actual update. I don’t know the specifics, who demanded what, how much money but having your audience be the one who pays really rubs me the wrong way.


So I have to pay to buy sounds, then pay EVEN MORE to upload them?


ikr, I hate paying for audios especially if they get taken down for no reason even though its copyright free

I don’t see why I should buy this when the website especially because I don’t just have 10$ laying around. I’m 13, without a job, earning ~200R$ a month with no DevEx. None of that is EVER going to a third party that doesn’t even make sounds that are essential for gameplay that I use. I would probably use ~10 of all 10k files for my game. This would be a waste of money for me and all developers out there.


They are removing the sound effect, which is an announcement and could be helpful for many users.


Oh dear… Seeing the classic “Oof!” sound go actually brings a tear to my eye. That sound has been famous ever since it’s been introduced! Though, it has a reason to go. Hopefully any new ones can be the next big meme of the decade.


No one is forcing you to buy these sounds. If you don’t want them, don’t buy them. But don’t complain when you can’t use the sounds you didn’t buy.

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Besides, Most developers will just copy the soundID from the toolbox and roblox has no way of knowing if the developer hs bought the sounds at all


Honestly, while he was in the right to do so, it’s a childish and greedy decision to make such a big fuss over a small 2 second long audio sample, and trying to make big money from such a small sample is even more ridiculous.


The sounds won’t be public if they’re uploaded. Roblox is pretty adamant (in my experience) on copywritten music. They’ll most likely bar the music from being used by anyone except the person uploading it, because their systems will pick up on the digital watermarking on the audio.

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Ah yes, because wanting a cut of the profit generated off of your work is greedy and childish. That’s like telling a builder who works for you in a really successful group, that he doesn’t deserve any of the money generated off of his works.

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Great to see more sound effects being released as a resource. I’ve always struggled with finding good SFX for my UIs or other gameplay aspects that I find necessary. The monetization aspect of this is a little unsettling, especially being a person of low income. I, and a lot of developers might not have $50-$100 laying around to spend on sound effects, which is why we often resort to open-sourced projects by other generous developers.

Not quite sure how to feel about the “oof” sounds, similar to most developers here. It is of course a classic trademark of Roblox, easily recognizable anywhere. Though I don’t mind it being removed entirely. We have to look forward towards the future and realize that Roblox is changing. For sure we’ll miss the classic sounds, though it is for the best :slight_smile:

If I am not understanding this wrong does this mean we need to PAY to get the oof sound?

litterally the WORST update ever


Colourful response, lol

You’re paying for a sound pack instead of individual sounds. If I’m not wrong, the sound is being removed over time and instead being replaced with a new default sound and an option to select from community-created sounds in addition to Tommy’s oof sound. Paying for the sound is absolutely ludicrous and obviously they would provide free alternatives. (please correct me on this if I’m wrong!)



are you trolling, or… ?

I mean, from this article

Tallarico still owns the oof sound, which will disappear for a time from Roblox. Later on, at the end of the month, the sound will be restored by developers who license it. Any developer can purchase the sound in the future for around 100 Robux, the game’s virtual currency, valued at about $1.

I guess they’re gonna bring out finally being able to purchase audios, and the Oof sound will be available for 100 Robux. It’s really not that bad for those who want it.

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: (

I hope the 5 seconds of fame was worth it for him
I guess it’s fine so long as we can make our own death sound effects
It’s not like he has copyright over the word “OOF”

How are we going to upload 10,000 audio files… hahaha. I hate marketing

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I do believe this update is something very important to Roblox as a whole;

  • The removal of the original game over SFX: Oof!;
  • The Tommy Tallarico Sound Design Kit, meaning the collaboration of Tommy Tallarico & Roblox;
  • Basic information about if these sounds legality in Roblox games;

I could continue down the list but I’d be overstating the obvious point I’m attempting to get across.

This is a post worthy of the announcement slot due to the news of the Oof! sound effects removal and when it’s occurring alone. Many people joined/heard of Roblox because of the Oof! sound effect and since that’s being removed… it’s something a lot of people would like to know about ahead of time.

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I am not trolling the original owner died I think his name is eric or Something