Tool parts have collision when equipped for a short amount of time although CanCollide is false

Reproduction steps:

  • Make all parts of a tool have no collision (CanCollide set to false), and no mass (Massless set to true)
  • Equip the tool near a wall or something that collides

When done once, the result is not really visible, but when switching tools quickly, we notice that the tool does collide for a short amount of time.

In the video below, I quickly switch tools near a wall and I am able to clip through it because tools still collide.

Expected behavior

The tool’s parts should not collide with anything, as their CanCollide property is set to false.

It is possible to work around this by setting the tool’s parts to a collision group that does not collide with any other collision group. The video below follows the same reproduction steps with tools which have a collision group that does not collide with anything.

CollisionGroup should have no effect on tool’s collision, as CanCollide is set to false.


So sorry we’re late to the party - found someone to take a look at this. We’ll get back to you as soon as we have an update.

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Is this crash still occurring? We were not able to repro with the steps provided.

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It looks like the problem has been fixed since then, I can’t reproduce the bug either.

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