Treat CoreScripts as Open-Source Again

would make making topbar-style things easy again

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With Roblox seemingly dragging their feet on TWO major slowdowns regarding their corescripts, perhaps due to being stretched thin on engineer time, I think it’s time to bring this up again. If the corescripts were open source, not only would it benefit developers aiming to understand how they function and let us see what Roblox expects of their own codebase, it’d let us help Roblox staff in diagnosing performance issues/bugs.

I (and many, many other developers) would not mind saving Roblox staff’s time where possible by taking a look at the source, analyzing possible issues, and suggesting possible fixes.

TextChatService ‘CoreScripts/ExperienceChatMain’ Excessive CPU Usage - Bug Reports / Engine Bugs - Developer Forum | Roblox

PlayerListManager unnecessarily eats up CPU time - Bug Reports / Engine Bugs - Developer Forum | Roblox


when the corescripts were open source you could get them running in-game with a little modification

i tried to get the modern playerlist in game and gave up due to the amount of dependencies

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Its probably never going to happen but I’d support an open source mirror of the Lua codebase

Even just the builtins since they were removed just to reduce the bundle size of Studio’s download package.

Bump! It would be great if the community was allowed to contribute to corescripts in a github repository or something similar to allow us to efficiently report, address and fix the issues that the corescripts have for roblox!


I 100% solemnly agree. If it were open-sourced, I would spend time on fixing many issues that are present in CoreScripts.